
wén jiàn chuán sònɡ
  • file transfer
  1. 在UNIX支持下实现一个使用异步线的文件传送协议

    The implementation of a file transfer protocol using asynchronous line supported by UNIX

  2. 几何数据及属性的文件传送和数据库存取基于国际标准STEP;

    ISO standard ( STEP : STandard for the Exchange of Product model data ) supporting file transfer or database access for geometric data and / or attributes ;

  3. 基于TCP/IP和Socket的网络文件传送

    Network Files Transmission Based on TCP / IP and Socket

  4. 近年来,随着Internet的普及,Internet上的数据业务(如Email、文件传送,web浏览)等急剧增加。

    With the Internet more and more popular , the data services ( Email , FTP , web browsing ) over Internet increase dramatically .

  5. FTP使用两个TCP连接来实现文件传送操作。

    Generally FTP means file transfer service . Using two TCP connections , FTP can realize file transfer operation .

  6. 操作,以便在本地处理ftp文件传送期间可能发生的任何错误。

    Action is employed to locally handle any errors that might occur during the FTP file transfer .

  7. 随着Internet的日益普及,Internet上的主要业务由传统的文件传送、电子邮件和远程登录等转向多媒体应用丰富的WWW。

    With the increasing popularity of the Internet , the main Internet business from the traditional FTP , E-mail and rlogin and other multimedia applications to the WWW .

  8. Novell网络与主机的互连及双向文件传送的研究

    Interconnection and two-way file transfer between Novell and mainframe

  9. 传统的TCP传输控制协议是面向连接的可靠的传输层通信协议,广泛用于文件传送、电子邮件发送等业务类型。

    Conventional Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) is a connection-oriented reliable transport layer protocol , which is widely used to transmit files and e-mails .

  10. TMN中的快速文件传送系统

    Turbo Fast File Transfer System of TMN

  11. SD卡的结构不仅能保证数字文件传送的安全性,而且易于重新格式化。

    The structure of SD card not only ensure the security of the digital document transaction , but also make the anew of the format easier .

  12. 在所有不同的选择中,文件传送(FileTransfer)和一个被称为ESA-Link的由GC生产并支持的胖客户机应用程序最受欢迎。

    Of all the various options , File Transfer and a fat-client application produced and supported by GC called ESA-Link are the most popular .

  13. 由于RIA技术使用基于XML标准的文件传送数据,而GIS数据具有一定的敏感性,因此,设计表现层构件时需要考虑数据安全。

    Because RIA transmit the data by file based XML standard . And GIS data is high secret sometimes . So in the representation tier components design , the data security must be considered .

  14. DECnet网络实时文件传送应用层通信模块开发

    Design of a real-time file transfer module in application layer of DECnet network

  15. 本文首先透彻分析了TMN中有关文件传送的协议:FTAM。

    First : FTAM , the protocol about file transfer of TMN , is deeply discussed in this paper .

  16. 参照Q3接口协议编写出上层的网络管理软件系统,实现TMN定义的文件传送方面的功能。

    Last : Network management software is developed reference on Q3 protocol to implement all the functions of file transfer defined in TMN .

  17. 一种基于FTAM的异步远程文件传送服务

    A store-and-forward file transfer service based on FTAM

  18. P2P网络中的每个节点有着对等的功能,既能作为服务器提供服务也可以作为客户机接受服务,任意节点间能够进行直接通信和文件传送。

    Each peer node in P2P network has the same function which can provide services as a server and receive services as a client , direct communication and file transfer can be achieved between any two nodes .

  19. 依据CAPI标准开发的ISDN产品可得到大量商用应用软件(如文件传送、话音信箱、Internet接入等)的支持,从而使ISDN设备的研制开发工作更为有效。

    The ISDN products conforming to CAPI standards can get support from a lot of commercial application software ( such as file transfer , voice mailbox and Internet access ) .

  20. 为了获得更完全的灵活性,在具有popen函数的Unix类系统中,在将文件传送给plot命令之前,可以使用文本处理实用程序对文件进行预处理。

    For complete flexibility , in Unix-like systems with a popen function , you can pre-process the file with text processing utilities before it is passed into the plot command .

  21. 利用该方法实现了3~+网和DECnet网之间的透明的网间文件传送服务。

    Based on the method , the transparent file transmission between 3 + and DECnet is implemented successfully .

  22. 在不具备上网条件却要把本地计算机上的文件传送到远方的某台计算机上时,能否利用覆盖面更加广泛的GPRS网络将计算机和Internet网络连接起来呢?

    When you want to transmit a file from the local computer to the remote computer without the condition of internet , the question will be involved that you must connect your computer with the internet by GPRS ( General Packer Radio Service ) .

  23. 本文提出了使用磁盘阵列的快速文件传送系统(TFFT)。

    So , TFFT ( Turbo Fast File Transfer ) is proposed in this paper .

  24. 文件传送协议的性能比较与选择

    File Transfer Protocol 's Performance Comparison and Their Application Guide

  25. 无限的电子邮件和文件传送协议帐户而且停车和子领域。

    Unlimited email and FTP accounts and parked and sub-domains .

  26. 基于代理的异步安全文件传送系统的实现

    The Realization of the Asynchronous Secure File Transfer System Based on Agent

  27. 一种文件传送程序的设计与研究

    The design of and research into a file transfer program

  28. 文件传送意味着把一个系统的文件拷贝到另一系统上。你能把文件从其他系统拷入你的系统。

    File transfer means to copy files from one system to another .

  29. 基于通信线程类串口文件传送时的可视化程序设计

    Visual Program Design for File Transmission Based on Serial Port Communication Thread Class

  30. 使用文件传送协议把数据从一台电脑转移到另一台。

    Use the File Transfer Protocol to transfer data from one computer to another .