
wén huà huán jìnɡ
  • cultural environment;cultural context;cultural setting
  1. 以文化环境为核心的语言教学

    Language Teaching that Takes Cultural Context as its Core

  2. 译语文化环境与小说翻译策略

    Target Cultural Context and Fictional Translation Strategy

  3. OEM企业持续成长还要有一个良好的外生环境,主要包括发展机遇、制度环境和文化环境等。

    The OEM enterprises ' growth also needs a good external environment , including opportunities , system and culture .

  4. 第一,运用PEST模型、分析了××合作银行的政治环境、经济环境、社会文化环境和技术环境;

    First , using the PEST model , has analyzed the Huaxi cooperative bank for political environment , the economic environment , the social culture environment and the technical environment .

  5. 从文化环境看新时期会计文化建设创新

    Seeing the Account Culture Constructing in New Term from Culture Environment

  6. 四是创造优秀的企业文化环境。

    And fourth , creating excellent environment of the enterprise culture .

  7. 文化环境建设与社区教育发展

    The Construction of Cultural Environment and the Development of Community Education

  8. 法治文化环境设计略论

    The Outline of Culture Circumstance Design Under Rule of Law

  9. 文化环境的空间,介乎社会环境与狭义文化环境之间,从属于社会环境与社会意识形态;

    Cultural environment lies between social environment and narrow sense of cultural environment .

  10. 试论网络时代思想政治教育活动中的社会文化环境因素

    On social and cultural elements of ideological and political education in network age

  11. 三是创设数学建构学习的文化环境。

    Finally , we should create the cultural environment for maths constructivism study .

  12. 移居到另一种文化环境中可能会导致婚姻关系的紧张。

    Moving to a foreign culture can strain marriages .

  13. 论高等学校校园体育文化环境建设

    Physical Education Culture Environment Construction on the College Campus

  14. 文化环境是人类生存和社会发展的各种文化条件的总和。

    Cultural environment is the sum total of human existence and social development .

  15. 优化县级行政管理文化环境。

    Optimize the cultural environment of county-level administration .

  16. 建设有利于人才成长和发展的社会文化环境;

    To construct social , cultural environments for the talent 's cultivation and development ;

  17. 会计文化环境研究中的文化界定

    Definition of Culture is Accounting Cultural Environment Study

  18. 论公共关系与中国文化环境

    On Public Relation and China 's Cultural Environment

  19. 这反映了不同文化环境中人们对事物的认知差异。

    This reflects the different cultural environment is a thing of the cognitive differences .

  20. 文化环境包括居民素质、社会开放程度、文化差异、语言障碍4项。

    Cultural environment include residence qualities , opening level , cultural difference and language barrier .

  21. 技术创新系统的文化环境

    Culture Environment of Technological Innovation System

  22. 交际的过程包括传者、受者、信息等八个线性分析要素,同时又受制于心理素质、具体交际情景、文化环境等纵向宏观因素。

    The process of intercultural communication includes eight ingredients horizontally and cultural context , situational context etc.

  23. 在市场经济制度完善的条件下,文化环境对投资的影响取决于投资对文化环境的敏感性和适应性。

    The essay holds that there is an important influence between social cultural environment and investment .

  24. 它是一个系统工程,需要各个子系统都达到和谐的状态,这也就要求高校校园文化环境的和谐构建。

    It is a project , which calls for the various subsystems achieve a harmonious state .

  25. 大众文化环境下青年学生思想政治教育工作的思考

    A Review of Ideological and Political Education of Young Students in the Context of Popular Culture

  26. 营造人人有责的公共安全管理文化环境。

    Build up the enviroment of public safety management system culture that every one contains responsibility .

  27. 其次,谈及文化环境多维、可控、导向、继承四大特征。

    Second , talk about cultural environment multi-dimensional , controlled , orientation and inheritance four major characteristics .

  28. 区域产业文化环境;

    District industrial cultural environment ;

  29. 中国近代文学的变革,成因主要在于文化环境的变动。

    The transformation of Chinese literature in modern times is due to the changes of cultural surroundings .

  30. 在目前的文化环境中,道家哲学似乎对西方人有着更强的吸引力。

    Under current cultural circumstances , the philosophy of the Taoist school seems more appealing to Westerners .