
wén jiàn biāo tí
  • Document Title;file header
  1. 无法读取日志文件标题。

    The log file header could not be read .

  2. 无效的文件大小。请检查文件标题的大小。

    Invalid file size . Please check file header size .

  3. AUTOCAD图形文件标题栏、明细栏的处理

    Title column and subsidiary column of Auto CAD graphic files

  4. 基于ODT的DWG文件标题栏信息提取的设计与实现。

    Designing and realizing the process of extracting the management information from the title bar of a DWG file .

  5. 可以设想这种类型(像ETreeIterator类型)将会只在运行时被使用到只与一些概要文件标题处理相关的地方。

    It is envisioned that such types ( like ETreeIterator ) will be used only in conjunction with some sort of programmatic manipulation of the profile at the runtime .

  6. 点击文件标题,下载文件。

    Click on document title to download document .

  7. 票据或债券或文件标题的占有者。

    The person who is in possession of a note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him .

  8. 在有印刷文字的页面底部空白处出现的文字,如文件标题、页面号码或日期等。

    Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages , such as a document title , page number , or data .

  9. 一旦选择了你想要的选项,点击“发送到编辑器,”图像或者文件标题应该出现在编辑器窗口中!

    Once you have selected the options you want and clicked " Send to Editor ," the image or file title should appear in the editor window !

  10. DXF文件中标题栏及明细表信息获取方法

    Method of getting information from caption table and list table in DXF files

  11. 这两个程序可以让您很容易地给现有的视频文件添加标题,并将传统的视频文件转换成与iPod兼容的格式。

    These programs let you easily add captions to existing video files and convert legacy video files into an iPod-compatible format .

  12. 必须指定输出文件的标题。

    A name must be specified for the output file .

  13. 作为文件注释标题后的第一行

    As the very first line after the comment heading in the file

  14. 您可以将搜寻限制在一份文件的标题。

    You can restrict your search to the title of a document .

  15. 对于简单的结构,我们只要包括两个其它的模板文件:标题和页脚。

    For our simple structure , we only need to include two other template files : the header and the footer .

  16. 另外,MashupCenter生成的列名没有意义,因为csv文件没有包含标题行。

    Also , the column names generated by the Mashup Center are not meaningful because the csv file does not contain a header row .

  17. 质量保证部门(QA)负责编制登记薄,记录文件编号、标题、修订状态和分发状态等信息,以确保分发和修订状态在英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的控制之下。

    Registers which identify the document number , title , revision status and distribution are generated by QA Department to ensure that distribution and revision status is maintained within BPS .

  18. 数据窗口转存为其他文件时列标题显示问题的解决方法

    The Solution to the Column Title Display Problem of the Data File Converted from the DataWindow

  19. 一旦用户选择了要上传的文件,将标题和可选标记输入此表单并提交后,脚本的另一半就会发挥作用。

    Once the user selects an image file for upload , enters a title and optional tags into this form and submits it , the second half of the script swings into action .

  20. 在GeneralInformation节中输入创建的文件柜模板的标题和名称。

    Under the General Information section , enter the title and the name of the File Cabinet template that you created .

  21. 在本演练中,您的csv文件必须具有列标题。

    In this walkthrough your CSV file must have column headings .

  22. 在mon配置文件中,确保标题可以反映正确的路径。

    In the mon configuration file , ensure the header reflects the proper paths .

  23. 使这份文件中的所有标题都居中。

    Centre all the headings in this document .

  24. 是否要在这个文件上放个标题,我有一个问题。

    I have a question about whether or not to include a header on this file .

  25. 这些规则有:重复的文件、重复的标题、没有内容、过多的内容等等。

    Some rules are : duplicate files , duplicate titles , content not found , large content , and others .

  26. 该模块允许站点管理者操作项目属性,如文件名或相册标题。

    This module allows the Site Administrator to manipulate item properties such as filename or title en masse for albums .

  27. 莱斯坚称蔗仅仅是份「历史文件」,但这份文件标题为:「宾拉登决意攻打美国」。

    Rice insisted it was merely a " historical document ", but the paper was entitled " bin laden determined to strike in us " .

  28. 它尝试装入后一个文件,然后抽取出文件的标题和子标题以创建超链接。

    It attempts to load the latter file and extracts its title and subtitle to create a hyperlink .

  29. 文件的状态,通过各文件的标题、唯一文件编号、发放日期和修订级别等信息进行控制。

    Documents will be identified with a'Controlled'stamp to signify that they are a controlled document .

  30. CSV文件的第一行可以是该文件的列标题。

    The first line of the CSV file can be the column headings for the file .