
  • 网络Literary film;art cinema;Lust Caution;Always San Chome No Yuhi
  1. 听上去象一部文艺电影,的确是,但却是全方位文艺电影!

    If it sounds like an art movie , it absolutely is , but it 's a four quadrant art film !

  2. 循着蒙古族电影的发展历程,对一次呈现的主流电影、商业电影、文艺电影中的女性形象流变做了历时性解读。

    Follow the Mongolian film development , a present to the mainstream movies , commercial film , literature and art film images of women do the rheological diachronic interpretation .

  3. 据张晓光表示,怀旧部分将包括出自上海文华电影制作工作室的电影,该公司成立于1946年、引领了中国文艺电影的新时代,将会让观众“一睹中国的电影文化和历史”。

    A retrospective section will include movies produced by the Shanghai studio Wenhua , a company founded in 1946 that ushered a new era of Chinese art-house films , Zhang said , giving viewers " a glimpse of Chinese cinematic culture and history . "

  4. art:艺术的,文艺的cinema:电影的总称这不是A片,这是文艺片。

    Dan : It 's not porn . It 's art cinema . -

  5. 我只是不喜欢一味地迎合大众的影片。我喜欢那种有非凡的想象力,充满文艺气息的电影。

    I just don 't like crowd-pleasers that are predictable . I like movies that stretch the imagination and have some artistic value .

  6. 它使人们可以随意选择电视机里自己喜欢的新闻、文艺、资讯、电影以及电视剧节目。

    People can choose their favorite TV news , art , information , movies and TV programs by it .

  7. 无论商业片还是文艺片对于中国电影都还是尚在发展中的急待完善的类型片种。

    No matter which specific type of movie , there are still some urgent improvement and progress for Chinese film industry in the future .

  8. 文学为电影提供了养分,奠定了文学的文艺特征;随着电影技术的发展,电影逐渐对文学进行渗透,文学与电影的关系,一直以来是很多人热衷于讨论的话题。

    Literature for the film provided nutrients , laid the literature art characteristic ; as movie technology development , the movie began to literature penetration , the relationship between literature and film , had been a lot of people are of discussion .

  9. 小说为电影提供养分,奠定其文艺特质;随着电影技术的不断发展,电影又逐步对小说进行渗透,小说和电影的关系,一直是大家津津乐道的话题。

    The fiction offers the raw materials to the film as its cultural feature ; while the film influences the fiction gradually with the development of the technology of the film . Therefore the relation between film and fiction is an old story all the time .