
  1. 产业体系构建。以产业价值链为纽带,构建了遗址文化产业体系,并分为核心层、外围层和相关层。

    The 2nd , according to industrial value chain , the system of ruins culture industry is constructed which is composed of key layer , peripheral layer and related layer .

  2. 本章首先从六个方面阐述文化产业政策体系的框架内容,主要包括:政策体系的目标、政策体系的主客体、政策体系的范围、政策体系的结构、政策体系的工具、政策体系的过程。

    First , the chapter describes the framework of cultural industry policy system from six aspects . It includes the objectives , the subject and object , the scope , the structure , the tools and the process of policy system .

  3. 因此,我们应当建立文化产业竞争力评价体系。该体系以美国迈克尔·波特的钻石体系为理论依据,以显示性指标体系体现文化产业的核心竞争力。

    In order to strengthen international competence , we should set up assessment system of cultural industry competitiveness .

  4. 天津市文化产业竞争力评价指标体系研究

    A Study on Evaluation Index System of Tianjin Cultural Industry Competitiveness

  5. 第五章是广州文化创意产业政策支持体系的构建,主要在明确了政策支持体系的目标和原则之后,提出了具体的构建建议。

    The chapter V is the construction of Guangzhou cultural and creative industries policy support system , mainly made clear policy support system of objectives and principles , and then made the specific construction proposals .

  6. 构建具有历史文化名城优势和地方特色的文化产业体系。

    To form cultural enterprise system with advantage of historical cultural famous city and regional features .

  7. 本文结合文化创意产业的特点以及产业实践情况的开展,借鉴已有的评估方法和评估体系,提出一个新的城市文化创意产业评估体系。

    This paper will propose a new assessment system for urban cultural and creative industries , which is combined with the characteristics of creative industries and the industry practices , and refered to existing assessment methods and assessment system .

  8. 针对文化产业无形性的特点,品牌符号、品牌个性和公司品牌共同构成建立强有力的文化产业品牌识别体系的核心要素。

    Brand symbol , brand personality , and corporate brand together compose a powerful cultural brand identity system , due to the intangible nature of cultural and creative industries .

  9. 云南民俗文化产业发展具有自身的优势和劣势,要明确云南民俗文化产业发展的战略,构建云南民俗文化产业发展的重点体系,大力培养复合型高素质民俗文化人才,推进文化体制改革。

    This task can be achieved by a complete understanding of its strategy , constructing its key systems , training well-qualified personnel and intensifying reform in cultural system .

  10. 通过一个实际的文化产业链设计的案例,从文化旅游、会展、传统工艺品、宋代民间娱乐、演出5个方面构建开封市文化产业链体系。

    Provides a real case on designing culture industry chains , and constructs Kaifeng 's culture industry chains system from culture tourism , conference and exhibition , traditional craftwork product , Song Dynasty 's mass amusement and act .