
  • 网络library classification
  1. 文献分类法在主题网关互操作中的应用研究

    Research On the Application of Library Classification in the Interoperability of Subject Gateway

  2. 20世纪上半叶,我国学者积极引进与研究外国文献分类法及其理论,编制了一批中西合璧的文献分类法,初步建立了我国现代文献分类理论与方法体系。

    In the earlier half of the twentieth century , Chinese library scholars began to introduce and study foreign library classification systems and related theories , compiled some Chinese classification systems , and thus established a system of theories and methods of modern Chinese library classifications .

  3. 概要归纳依据文献分类法建立的网络检索系统的类型;

    Concludes the types of network retrieval systems according to library classifications .

  4. 我国文献分类法的发展趋势

    The Developing Trend of Document Classification Schedule s In China

  5. 文献分类法课程立体化教学模式构建的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Construction Tridimensional Teaching Pattern about Document Classification Course

  6. 文献分类法修订类型研究

    Research On Revision Types of Documentary Classification

  7. 分类引擎、分类书目与文献分类法的比较

    The Comparison and Earning & On the Classify Engine , the Classify Bibliography and Document Classification

  8. 本文探讨他从文献分类法到信息检索与信息组织的思想发展。参考文献10。

    This paper discusses the ideology development from the literature classfication to information search and organization.10 Refs .

  9. 数字图书馆中的文献分类法

    Classification Schemes in Digital Libraries

  10. 现代文献分类法主要来源于三个方面:哲学知识分类体系、学科分类体系和以往的分类法。

    Modern documents classification has three sources : philosophy knowledge , branch of learning classifying system and former classification .

  11. 本文分析了传统文献分类法在网络环境中的优势、缺陷以及在未来发展中应遵循的原则。

    The article first discusses some of advantages and disadvantages of traditional classification in internet information organization , then analyses some rules of its development in the future .

  12. 文中从文献分类法的标准入手,采用类比法,简述了《仿杜威十进分类法》才是我国真正意义上的首部文献分类。

    Starting from standard of classification , with analogy method , the paper discusses the Imitation of Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index was the first classification in China .

  13. 现代信息技术与通信技术的发展为文献分类法整合数字信息资源、提高数字化信息服务的效率拓展了新的领域。

    Developments of modern information and communication technologies have opened up new fields for classification schemes to integrate digital and network information resources and to improve efficiencies of digitized information services .

  14. 论文在分析文献分类法用于组织网络信息的局限性的基础上,提出了改进文献分类法以适应网络信息分类的基本思路。

    On the base of complete analysis on some demerits of document classification in internet information organizing , this thesis puts forward some ideas on adaptation of document classification under the networked environment .

  15. 本论文从网络信息资源的组织出发,对国外网络资源分类中普遍使用的传统文献分类法系统与自编分类系统在类目体系等方面的异同进行了粗浅的比较研究。

    Starting from network information resources organization , the paper compares the similarities and differences of traditional documents catalogue system commonly used in overseas network resource catalogue and self edited catalogue system in catalogue system .

  16. 其次,根据近年来国内外学者对网络信息资源分类法的论述,对现有的网络信息资源分类法在网络信息资源分类中的应用做出总结,包括传统文献分类法及自编的分类体系。

    Secondary , based on the elaboration about network information resources classification from recently domestic and foreign scholars , the article summarized application of current network information resources classification in the network information resource classified , including both traditional literature classification and arranges classified system .

  17. 本文对分类搜索引擎与传统分类法体系所存在的差异从不同的角度进行分析和比较,提出了为规范网络分类而如何汲取文献分类法的优势之处。

    It has been analyzed and compared with about difference of classification research engine with system of traditional classification schemes from different points of view . It has been put forward that how to derive good things from literature classification schemes for standard internet classification .

  18. 对《中国图书馆分类法》这一书名所引发的歧义进行了深入分析,并建议在《中国图书馆分类法》第5次修订时,把《中国图书馆分类法》改名为《中国文献分类法》。

    The text makes a deep analysis of the different meanings of the name of Chinese Library Classification ( CLC ), and suggests changing its name from Chinese Library Classification ( CLC ) to Chinese Literature Classification ( CLC ) in the fifth emendation of CLC .

  19. 科技情报文献体系分类法操行之研探

    Discussing on System Classification of Scientific and Technological Document

  20. 谈碑刻的文献性质分类法

    On the classification of Literature in the Tablet Inscription

  21. 采用文献资料法、分类法、数理统计法,对十五时期14种中文核心期刊中关于足球体质学术研究论文进行统计分析。

    Using documentation , classification and mathematical statistics , this article makes a statistic analysis on soccer physique research papers from 14 Chinese core periodicals during the tenth " five-year plan " .

  22. 本文探讨他从事文献分类学教学、文献分类法编制工作和文献分类学研究活动中形成的文献分类思想。参考文献14。

    This paper discussed the taxonomic literature that he engaged in research and teaching activities in the formation of ideological literature classification.14 Refs .

  23. 文献分类学的研究对象主要是文献分类法或是网络信息分类法,这两种观点值得商榷。

    Their objects are document classification systems or network information classification systems , which are controversial , 9 refs .

  24. 从文献分类基本理论研究、国内外文献分类法研究、文献分类工作研究等三个方面概述了1999年至2000年我国文献分类研究进展。

    The author generalizes the progress of documentary classification in China between 1999 and 2000 from three aspects : basic theory of documentary classification , documentary classification at home and abroad and document classifying .