
  • 网络culture and civilization
  1. 在文化与文明的关系中把握文明

    Make sense of the civilization according to the relation between culture and civilization

  2. 他探讨了文化与文明、文化与人、文化与传统的关系,认为:文明是科学系统,文化是价值系统;

    He discussed the relations between culture and civilization , culture and people , culture and tradition .

  3. 马克思恩格斯的文化与文明概念考察

    A Conceptual Review of Civilization and Culture on Marx and Engels

  4. 玛雅与贵州的文化与文明就是起源、成长于这样的生境中。

    It was such living environment that Maya and Guizhou civilization originated in .

  5. 文化与文明都是生产实践的产物;

    Secondly , the culture and the civilization all are products of the production practice ;

  6. 文化与文明将化解冲突,造福人类。

    Thus , cultures and civilizations will iron out conflicts and benefit mankind as a whole .

  7. 文化与文明的辨析

    Discrimination between Culture and Civilization

  8. 丝绸之路的文化与文明在唐朝时达到新高度。

    The art and civilization of the Silk Road achieved its highest point in the Tang Dynasty .

  9. 通过对艺术的推广我们能够更好地理解对方的文化与文明。

    Through this promotion of arts , we can better understand the culture and civilizations of the other people .

  10. 正确处理文化与文明的关系,有利于人类文明从自为期向自由期的发展。

    Correctly deal with the relation between culture and civilization helps human civilization to evolve from self-development to free-development .

  11. 伊朗小孩需要有伊朗自己的娃娃,而且我们也必须捍卫自己的文化与文明,抵挡外来的文化侵略。

    Iranian kids demanded Iranian dolls , and we had to defend our culture and civilization against cultural invasion .

  12. 历史课教学不只是学史。鉴今,而且还要弘扬人类历史文化与文明。

    The teaching of our history covers the contents ; not only studying history , but also examine the current affairs .

  13. 教育是立国之本,是文化与文明不断传承的基础。

    The education is the foundation underlying all our efforts to build the country and unceasingly transmitting the culture and the civilization .

  14. 二者的联系表现在:(1)文化与文明的创造主体都是人;

    The connection of the two shows : firstly , the creating subject of the culture and the civilization all are the human ;

  15. 它深深植根于中国文化与文明的源头之中,植根于礼仪文化传统之中,特别是其核心国家祭祀系统&国家宗教之中。

    It rooted deeply in the source of Chinese culture and its tradition , especially in state religion & its core national fete system .

  16. 只有审美想象的自由才是真正的自由,也才是人的本质的最大可能的实现。只有人的自由本质的最大可能的实现,才可能有自由和谐的文化与文明。

    Only aesthetic freedom is just real freedom , which means to realize human essence furthest ; only human essence realizes furthest , we can have free , harmonious culture and civilization .

  17. 作者指出,中华民族与其他民族复兴和现代化目标的实现以及社会文明的伟大飞跃,将成为21世纪世界历史、人类文化与文明进步的主要标志。

    It is pointed out that the revival of the Chinese nation and other nations , the modernization of China , and the great leap of social civilization are the primary symbols of culture and civilization in 21st century .

  18. 随着文化与文明的对抗和冲突、世界范围内不同层次上不公平、不平等的格局秩序、贫富差距的不断扩大等等。

    Along with the culture and civilization , the world against and conflict in different levels not fair , not equal the pattern of the order , the gap between rich and poor continues to expand , and so on .

  19. 论助困文化与助困文明

    On the aiding of the poor and its culture and civilization

  20. 汇聚古老文化与现代文明

    The Perfect Harmony of Ancient Culture and Modern Civilization

  21. 生态文化与生态文明之间的区别反映了文化与文明争论。

    The difference of eco culture and eco civilization make culture and civilization contestable .

  22. 闽商文化与蓝色文明

    The Blue Civilization Of Fujian Commercial Culture

  23. 论生态文化与生态文明

    On ecological culture and ecological civilization

  24. 草原文化与现代文明建设

    Pastureland Culture and Modern Civilization Construction

  25. 政治文化与政治文明

    Political Culture and Political Civilization

  26. 森林文化与人类文明

    Forest Culture and Human Civilization

  27. 犹太文化与世界文明

    Judaical Culture and World Civilization

  28. 中国现代家具将成为传统文化与现代文明相结合的一种生活方式的体现。

    Modern Chinese furniture will be a performance for the traditional culture and modern civilized attitude to life .

  29. 当今社会,儒家文化与现代文明需要双向沟通与交流,实现儒学与现代社会的双向互动,才是应有之局。

    Confucian culture should communicate with modern civilization bi-directionally . It 's desirable to achieve bi-directional interaction between Confucian and modem society .

  30. 事实上,名辩的思维形式与思想方法一直影响着中国传统文化与传统文明的发展。

    Moreover the form and the method of the Ming-Bian had been influencing the traditional culture or civilization of the ancient China .