
  • 网络cultural tour;culture;cultural tourism
  1. 终有一天,(中国)游客去巴黎,是为了参观卢浮宫,进行一次文化之旅,或是为了参加课程,学习如何制作巧克力,而不是一头扎进路易威登(LouisVuitton)店里买包包。

    Eventually [ Chinese ] travellers will visit Paris to go on a cultural tour through the Louvre or do a class to learn how to make chocolate instead of just heading straight to the Louis Vuitton store to buy a bag .

  2. 湖北西部文化之旅的定位思考

    The Fix Thinking of Culture Tourism in the West of Hubei

  3. 也许我们的跨文化之旅能够对他人有所裨益。

    Perhaps our intercultural journey can be of help to others .

  4. 中国化纯诗:一次艰难的文化之旅

    The Chinese-style Pure Poetry : An Arduous Cultural Journey

  5. 南方长城与长城文化之旅的开发

    The South Great Wall and the Development of Tourism of the Great Wall Culture

  6. 这里有很多事情你可以看到在你的文化之旅在印度。

    There is a lot you can see during your cultural tours in India .

  7. 山东运河文化之旅

    A Tour of Canal Culture in Shandong

  8. 而其他的主题包括聚会之旅、兄弟之旅、城市之旅、观光文化之旅以及购物之旅等。

    Other themes include partying , bromance , cities , sightseeing and culture , and shopping .

  9. 在我刚刚到达中国的头几天,我的文化之旅平淡无奇。

    During the first few days of my stay , my " cultural experience " was uneventful .

  10. 把握住秋天的出游时光。在这个季节,不论是赏景之行,还是文化之旅,两者都将同样丰富多彩。艺术之�

    Make the most of the season with fall getaways that are equally rich in color and culture .

  11. 巴蜀校领导率全校教师赴泰国、港、门作文化之旅交流考察。

    A Culture trip to Thailand , Macao and Hong Kong for all the teachers headed by school heads .

  12. 北京之旅,不仅是名胜风光之旅,也是一次难得的文化之旅。

    Thetravel in Beijing will be a tour to appreciate the sceneries and to feel the age old culture .

  13. 乌镇,一个令无数人魂牵梦萦的江南水乡。也是我们此次文化之旅的目的地。

    Wuzhen , one of the most beautiful east southern Chinese riverside towns is the destination of our journey .

  14. 诸如此类的历史点滴形成了文化游船之旅“斯特拉斯堡,20个世纪之历史”的解说词。这个旅行路线会围着斯特拉斯堡知名景观——联合国教科文组织认可的世界文化遗产大岛(GrandÎle)前行,接着逆流而上到达欧盟委员会。

    These and other tidbits form the narrative of " Strasbourg , Over Twenty Centuries of History , " a scenic Batorama boat tour that circles Strasbourg 's Grand Î le , a Unesco World Heritage site , and proceeds upriver to institutions of the European Commission .

  15. 何不带他/踏上小星星欢乐文化艺术之旅!

    Why not take the child on an artistic journey ?

  16. 朱成:从雕塑家走向公共文化建设之旅

    Zhu Cheng : A Travel From A Sculptor To Public Sculptor Zhu Cheng

  17. 沈逸鸣说:我们的书只是我们印度文化朝圣之旅的成果之一。

    Our book is just one of the achievements of our Indian culture pilgrimage , said Shen .

  18. 杰西卡-阿尔芭还在网上爆料了自己旅途中的几件恐怖事情,比如在洗手间里发现了蚱蜢!杰西卡更把这次旅程看做是一次文化体验之旅。

    Alba also chronicled some of the horrors of country living such as the time she found the grasshopper on her toilet .

  19. 朱漆的门窗更能突显她家的荣华富贵。朱成:从雕塑家走向公共文化建设之旅

    The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family . Zhu Cheng : A Travel From A Sculptor To Public Sculptor Zhu Cheng

  20. 作为第一代移民和第二代移民的代表,《女勇士》中的勇兰和作为叙述者的金斯敦分别经历了不同的寻求文化身份之旅。

    As the representatives of the first-generation and the second-generation immigrants respectively , Brave Orchid and the narrator girl in The Woman Warrior are on different trails of pursuit of their cultural identity .

  21. 除了张承志、韩少功、贾平凹、莫言这些寻根作家还在用创作继续他们的文化寻根之旅外,也还有不少作家陆续加入其中,共同探寻着寻根这个古老而又永不过时的话题。

    Except that Zhang Cheng-zhi , Han Shao-gong , Jia Ping-wa and Mo Yan all continue their cultural roots , other writers also take part and together explore the ancient but not outdated topic of root-seeking .

  22. 根据北京新闻,管理平安的高密市政府,计划在这位作家旧居周围建造6700万英镑的“莫言文化体验之旅”的主题公园。

    Authorities in Gaomi , the municipality that administers Ping'an , plans to build a £ 67m " Mo Yan Culture Experience " theme park around the writer 's old home , according to the Beijing News .

  23. 校园文化的探索之旅&与澳洲城市专家安德鲁合作札记

    A Journey Of Campus Culture Adventures & Joltings on Cooperation with Australian Urban Expert Andrew

  24. 《咸亨酒店》游览绍兴,也许就是一次鲁迅文化的怀旧之旅。

    Xianheng wine shop Touring Shaoxing , you would recall Luxun , the famous Chinese writer , now and then .

  25. 这种现象既印证了‘民族的就是世界的’,也是一种东西方文化乃至世界文化的融合之旅。

    This phenomenon not only confirms the'nation is the world ' , is also a kind of East-West cultural integration as well as the world 's cultural journey .

  26. 今年的五月份,我收到英国领事馆文化教育处的邀请,参加他们专门为中国媒体人组织的“文化创意产业之旅”。

    I have been invited by the Culture and Education section of British Council to take part in the visiting program called " Culture and Creative Tour in London " .

  27. 在这种背景下,一批文化企业转企改制,冲破体制束缚,优化整合资源,开始了文化产业发展之旅。

    In this context , the number of cultural institution , turn enterprises , break the system restructuring of optimizing resources , bound , began the journey of cultural industry development .

  28. 同时,作为有着深厚的国学修养的文化精英,他又时刻不曾忘记自己的文化之根,终于在文化寻根之旅中创造性地开掘出隐士情怀的新天地。

    At the same time , as a member of cultural elite with profound traditional Chinese civilization accomplishment , he never forgot his cultural root . And eventually , he opened a new area of hermit feelings in the journey of seeking the cultural root .