
  1. 本文针对这一问题展开相关研究,力图解开杭州文化消费需求的黑箱。

    In this paper , we are trying to unlock the black box of Hangzhou cultural consumer demand related to these issues .

  2. 三是城乡居民文化消费需求快速增长,为加快文化产业发展提供了广阔的空间。

    Third , consumer demand in urban and rural culture , rapid growth , accelerate the development of cultural industries has provided a broad space .

  3. 从文化消费需求现状的分析入手,进而探析了其存在的问题,最后提出了我国要大力发展文化产业的对策建议。

    This paper begins with an analysis of the present cultural consuming needs , discusses the existing problems , and finally puts forward some proposals that will boost the development of cultural industries .

  4. 人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。

    There has been a steadyincrease in the necessity for cultural consumer goods .

  5. 在大众传播开始步入分众传播的媒介生态环境下,受众开始由原来对传播内容的被动接受向主动选择过渡,其文化消费呈现个性化需求。

    Under the media environment that the mass communication starts to enter the focus communication , the audience begins to spread from " passive acceptance " to " active choice " transition on the content , and their cultural consumption has become personalized .

  6. 通过在服装设计中注入文化内涵,适应消费者多元的文化消费需求,并服装设计这种文化设计行为最终引导人们的文化消费方向。

    To inject through clothing design culture , to adapt to consumer demand for multi-cultural consumption , and costume design of such a culture designed to ultimately lead people to act in the direction of cultural consumption .

  7. 在综述长沙夜间界面上文化产业现状的基础上,分析长沙夜间文化消费的需求特征和行为特征。

    This paper summaries cultural industry of Changsha in the night interface and analyzes the demand characteristics and behavioral characteristics of Changsha night cultural consumption .