
  • 网络In culture;in our culture
  1. 在我们的文化里,女孩从小就学着照料别人。

    In our culture , girls are brought up to tend to the needs of others

  2. 我们的文化里,家人的地位你又不是不懂。

    And you know how important family is in our culture .

  3. 在一些文化里,外科手术是被禁止的。

    In some cultures surgery is proscribed

  4. 原因:在古地中海及中东传统文化里,无花果具有千年的食用历史。它是提供膳食纤维的极好来源(每只含有2g膳食纤维)。

    Why : Used for millennia in ancient Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures , figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber ( almost 2 grams each ) .

  5. 人们会因为一双球鞋的样子很酷就为它一掷千金,Beck的歌能用来当广告配乐。在这样的消费文化里,炫和酷就是标价最高的商品。

    In a consumer culture where we buy $ 200 sneakers because they look cool and Beck 's song was used in the commercial , flash and dazzle are the highest-prized commodities of all .

  6. 无花果:充斥着纤维、钙……以及果酱般的口感原因:在古地中海及中东传统文化里,无花果具有千年的食用历史。它是提供膳食纤维的极好来源(每只含有2g膳食纤维)。

    Figs : Jammed with Fiber , Calcium ... and Jam-Like Flavor Why : Used for millennia in ancient Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures , figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber ( almost 2 grams each ) .

  7. 在某些文化里,顶脑门儿可是婚配仪式呢!

    In some cultures , head butting is a mating ritual .

  8. 在中国的文化里,大学好像是很轻松的地方。

    College , in Chinese culture , is supposedly a breeze .

  9. 但是在楚文化里,生命是可以喷薄的。

    But in the Chu culture , life can be gushing .

  10. 非言语交流的这五个方面在每个文化里都存在着。

    These five channels of nonverbal communication exist in every culture .

  11. 在他们的文化里,那好像是失礼。

    And in their culture , it 's like , disrespectful .

  12. 虎在中国传统文化里,象征着威武勇猛。

    In traditional Chinese culture , tiger symbolized power and valor .

  13. 但这是一个存在于每个地方、没种文化里的问题。

    But this is a problem everywhere and in every culture .

  14. 在传统文化里,老年人的价值体现为他们自己的智慧。

    In traditional culture , elderly people are valued for their wisdom .

  15. 在西方文化里保持目光接触是很重要的。

    Keeping eye contact is very important in Western culture .

  16. 在我们的文化里,结婚的珠宝是两个人结合的象征。

    In our culture wedding jewellery is a bond between the couple .

  17. 在不同的文化里,相同词汇体现不同的文化信息。

    Even the same vocabulary has different cultural information in different culture .

  18. 也可能是语言障碍的原因,或者是他们在异国文化里还不适应。

    Or it could be language , or experiencing a different culture .

  19. 在中国传统文化里,谦虚一直被认为是一种传统美德。

    Modesty is considered as a traditional virtue in Chinese Traditional Culture .

  20. 有些文化里有双手握手的习惯。

    Some cultures have a habit of shaking both hands .

  21. 许多乐器,特别是在东方文化里,扮演着宗教角色。

    Many instruments , particularly in Eastern cultures , have religious roles .

  22. 在中国文化里,乌龟是长寿的象征。

    In Chinese culture , turtles are symbols of longevity .

  23. 在我们文化里男人都很乐意干体力活

    In my culture , men take great pride in doing physicalabor .

  24. 在一些文化里,友谊意即两人之间一种强烈的,一世之久的情感。

    In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people .

  25. 中国文化里也有一些和解的著名故事。

    In Chinese culture , there are also famous stories about making peace .

  26. 在一些文化里,人们穿不同的衣服。

    In some cultures , people wear different clothes .

  27. 在美国文化里的另一项禁忌是口臭。

    Another cultural no-no in America is bad breath .

  28. 有个答案深植在我们的社会文化里。

    One answer lies deep in our cultural history .

  29. 西方文化里有一种对光的崇拜。

    There is a worship of light in the culture of the west .

  30. 在这种文化里,持有异议是绝对不容许的。

    It 's culture in which there is absolutely no tolerance of dissent .