
  • 网络literary ontology
  1. 接受美学的文学本体论与翻译研究。

    The bearing of the literary ontology on translation studies .

  2. 文学本体论运用了现象学哲学的还原方法,文学认识论则基于现象学哲学的意向性建构原理。

    Literary ontology employs phenomenological reduction , while literary cognition is based on the principle of intentional construction of phenomenological philosophy .

  3. 文学本体论讲作品本身的四层次结构形式;

    Literary ontology is about the structure of four layers of text ;

  4. 试谈文学本体论之缺陷

    On the Deficiency of the Theory " Literature Ontology "

  5. 第一章文学本体论。

    The first chapter is the literature ontology .

  6. 本文的第二部分详述了文学本体论。

    The second part dwells on the literary noumenon including structural ontology and literary essence .

  7. 本体论与文学本体论

    Ontology and Ontology of Literature

  8. 还有从系统或综合的角度或文学本体论的高度来探讨本质问题的。

    Others explored the literary essence from the systematic or comprehensive perspectives or from the height of literature itself .

  9. 其次,汤显祖与复古格调派的差别和分歧在具体诗学批评上并非完全相反,甚至有不少共同点,不同的是他们对文学本体论的观点。

    Rather , they even shared many common grounds . The key difference between them was their views on the literary ontology .

  10. 文学本体论是对文学的基本属性作出界定的学说。

    The theory " literature ontology ", which we are discussing about , is the definition of the literature 's fundamental essence .

  11. 弗·纳博科夫以小说形式的奇异和晦涩被称为非常极端的文学本体论者,在美国文学史上被纳入二战后的美国实验小说家的行列。

    Vladimir Nabokov , a so called " extreme literary ontologist " for the bizarrerie and obscurity in the formal qualities of his work , is placed in the postwar writer group of Experimentation .

  12. 而五四文学本体论的西化倾向,既反映了西方文学与文学批评的人学话语的现代性优势,也反映出了五四反传统对文学本体论建构的深刻影响。

    The tendency of the westernization of the May 4th literary ontology shows not only the advantage of modernity of western literature and literary criticism , but also the deep influence of the anti-tradition May 4th on the construction of literary ontology .

  13. 多重的文学本体论,为新世纪的文学修造了一座立交桥,严肃文学、通俗文学与纯文学可以各行其道,奔向自己的目标。

    The multi-layered literary ontology has virtually built an overpass for literature in the new century so that literature of various types , say , serious literature , popular literature and pure literature , can go along their own ways towards their respective destination .

  14. 文学形式本体论是20世纪四十年代西方重要的文艺理论,它是与有着深厚根基的作家中心论及20世纪六、七十年代迅速崛起的读者中心论形成鼎足之势。

    Literary form ontology is an important theory of art and literature in the west in 1940S .

  15. 多数学者颠倒了两者之间的逻辑关系,并没有在文学本体的论域中来研究虚构问题,没有把虚构作为精神生产的一种特殊方式来理解。

    Most scholars upside down the causal relationship between literary ontology , and not in the field to study of the fictional problems , no spiritual production in the fictional as a special way to understand .

  16. 文学理论的本体论思考

    The Ontological Orientation of Literary Theory The Criticism Discussion on the Literature of Women 's Right

  17. 文学翻译的本体论与价值论反思

    On Ontology and Axiology of Translation

  18. 文学的情意本体论纲要&文学理论元问题研究

    Outline of Literary Affection Ontology

  19. 结构主义文论的自律化研究立场和原则正好体现出文学研究的本体论转向。

    The self-disciplined standpoint and the principle of structuralism theory just embody the transformation to ontology in literature study .

  20. 小说观念到晚明产生了很多新的变化,文章从三方面探讨了其新变:第一,由史馀到文学的小说本体论的变化;

    Whether novel it is late to produce a lot of new change tomorrow for idea to get , this text probe into from three respect their become newly . First , from the change to novel ontology of literature of " history ";

  21. 随着对于文学特殊规律性的认同,文学的本体论意义也开始进入人们的视界。

    As the increasing agreement on the special meaning of literature , the significance of the literature ontology is coming into people 's vision .

  22. 第一章背向文学的文学新定义,是对左翼文学本体论的研究。

    Chapter one studies on the literature ontology of the Leftist .

  23. 由多重文学本质、多样文学功能、多种文学类型构成的文学本体论,在文学实践中有很高的应用价值,对开展文学活动具有很强的指导性。

    The literary ontology , which is composed of multi-layered literary essences , various literary functions and varied literary categories , is of great applied value in literary practice as well as of much guidance in literary activities .

  24. 从而确证了文学是人学的命题,从最深层的意义来理解,可以认为是文学本体论的命题。

    From the understanding of deepest level , it may be considered that the subject is the literary ontology .

  25. 因此,当代文学观念的变革、重建,就不能停留于文学主体性和文学价值论的探索,还应当推进到文学本体论的构建上。

    Therefore , the reform and reconstruction of the modern literary idea can not only stop the exploration of literary main body nature and literary value theory , they should be promoted to the construction of literary ontology .

  26. 然而多年来,表现主义思潮的文学本体观尤其是表现主义美学与诗学在文艺本体思考上的差异却几乎没有得到系统的研究,因此,展开表现主义视域下的文学本体论研究显得十分必要。

    Over the past years , however , Literature Ontology of Expressionism Thought , especially the differences between Aesthetics and Poetics of Expressionism have almost never been read up .