
wén huà xiū kè
  • culture shock
  1. 浅析中专护生文化休克的护理策略

    Study Technical Secondary School Nurse of Nursing Resource of Culture Shock

  2. 文化休克的社会学和社会心理学观

    A Study of Culture Shock : A Sociological and Sociopsychological Perspective

  3. 高校新生文化休克现象调查分析及其护理对策

    Investigation on the Cultural Shock of School New Students and Nursing

  4. 心脏术后病人文化休克的原因分析及护理对策

    Nursing Care of Culture Shock in the Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery

  5. 对外汉语教学中的文化休克现象及其克服途径

    The Phenomenon of Cultural Shock and Its Settlements in TCFL

  6. 文化休克与医疗纠纷的早期发现及防范

    Culture shock and early finding and precaution of medical disputes

  7. 总结前人克服文化休克的理论与方法。

    Second , it sums up the methods coping with culture shock .

  8. 本文尝试分析了文化休克现象形成的原因。

    Culture shock is caused by a number of reasons .

  9. 第二章回顾前人关于文化休克的研究。

    Then it gives a brief review of the researches on culture shock .

  10. 住院病人文化休克产生的原因及护理对策

    Causes for Cultural Shock in Inpatients and Nursing Countermeasures

  11. 论英汉双语教学中的文化休克现象及对策

    On the Solution to the Culture Shock in Bilingual Teaching of Chinese and English

  12. 他们在西街经历了身处异国他乡的文化休克吗?

    Do they suffer greatly from culture shock when they are at West Street ?

  13. 伊莎贝尔&文化休克现象下的边缘人

    Isabel , A Marginal Person under Cultural Shock

  14. 浅析文化休克现象

    Talk about the Phenomenon of Culture Shock

  15. 什么是文化休克?

    What Is Culture Shock ?

  16. 而同时,文化休克却是人们突然出国时所感受到的一种共同现象。

    Meanwhile , culture shock is a common experience of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad .

  17. 这一发展为文化休克的研究提供了新的启示,文化休克的研究也繁荣起来。

    This development offers new insights into the issue of culture shock and the studies on culture shock prosper .

  18. 演讲者明显处于文化休克的第二个阶段上,在新的环境中感到十分不舒服。

    The speaker is apparently on the second stage of culture shock , as feeling uncomfortable in the new condition .

  19. 调查护生进入实习期产生文化休克的类型及相关因素,以寻求相应对策。

    Objectives : To analyze the type and correlation factors of culture shock among nursing students and in order to explore countermeasure .

  20. 文化休克是住院病人对医院文化环境产生的危机与陌生感,是文化冲突的表现。

    Culture shock is the feeling of crisis and unfamiliar to hospital culture environment . It is the expression of culture conflict .

  21. 这些规律涉及文化休克的原因和特征,有利于寻找克服文化休克的方法。

    These rules cover the causes and characteristics of culture shock , and can offer implications for possible treatments of culture shock .

  22. 结论文化休克产生主要原因是沟通交流障碍、社会角色的改变和个体应对能力的差异。

    Conclusions : The main reasons of culture shock are communication barriers , changes in social role and individual differences in adaptive capacity .

  23. 观念习俗的差异、人文环境的生疏、意识形态的偏见等因素则是产生文化休克的原因与妨碍培养跨文化意识的障碍。

    The different concepts and customs , the strange human environment and the prejudice in ideology lead to the formation of the culture shock .

  24. 二是学习过程的外部因素如由于广义的文化休克而造成的师生间教学文化的差异。

    The other is external factors of learning procedure such as different cultures of teaching and learning , which are caused by culture shock .

  25. 这种负面现象就是文化休克。

    " Culture shock " is used to refer to this phenomenon in which people involved in the communication feel discomfortable , depressed , frustrated or shocked .

  26. 文化休克是一种常见的文化现象,它经常发生在不同国家之间、不同民族之间、不同群体和不同地区之间的社会文化互动过程之中。

    The culture shock is a common cultural phenomenon , which often occurs in the social interaction between different countries , nations , groups and areas and so on .

  27. 为揭示文化休克的原因和特征,找到克服这一无所不在的社会现象所产生的负面效应的有效方法,许多研究者都研究了文化休克这一颇有争议的问题。

    In order to uncover the causes and characteristics of culture shock and find out effective methods to overcome the negative effects of this omnipresent social phenomenon , many scholars have probed the issue .

  28. 多篇论文就他的“海尔文化激活休克鱼”理念进行阐述,他的这一经典案例是他兼并那些硬件施设尚好但管理混乱小企业之后的简短精悍的总结。

    Papers are written about " activating stunned fish ", his epigrammatic summation of the post-merger integration of the succulent but ill-managed morsels that Haier has taken over .

  29. 钥匙槽风波&跨文化交际中文化休克的遭遇

    The Key-slot Anecdote & Experience of Culture Shock in the Cross-cultural Communication

  30. 如何对患者进行文化护理住院病人文化休克产生的原因及护理对策

    How to Conduct Cultural Nursing Causes for Cultural Shock in Inpatients and Nursing Countermeasures