
  1. 著名的横跨欧亚的经济文化大通道&丝绸之路主要地段就在新疆境内。

    The famous economic and cultural corridor across Eurasia-the Silk Road - mainly lies in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .

  2. 张骞经过的路线,大体也就是著名的古代中西商业与文化交流通道“丝绸之路”。

    Zhang Qian 's unprecedented expeditions heralded the establishment of the " Silk Road " , which fostered the commercial and cultural exchanges between the East and the West .

  3. 这条作为了解、体验传统文化的重要通道也被当代民众的乡村都市化心理诉求逼迫得愈来愈狭窄。

    This important gateway to know , to experience the traditional culture has also been forced more and more narrow by the psychological demands of rural urbanization in contemporary people .

  4. 海上丝绸之路自汉代开辟以来,除了作为中外贸易的一条线路外,它还是一条传播佛教文化的重要通道。

    Maritime Silk Road was opened up since Han Dynasty . Regarded as a circuit of Chinese and foreign trade , it is still an important way of spreading Buddhism culture .

  5. 从“白话景观”引入“方言景观”,景观将“重新发现大地”,重新为差异性、文化生态打开通道。

    " Accent landscape " is derived from " anthropocentric landscape " The concept of new landscape will unfold land usage , pacing forward in the path by regarding of distinguishedness , cultural ecology .

  6. 口岸是一个国家与其他国家和地区经济、政治、文化交流的通道和窗口,在贸易全球化的今天,口岸正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The port is a country with other national and the local economy , political , the cultural exchange channel and the window . The port is playing an vital role in trade globalization today .

  7. 论文在结论部分再次强调,古村落的生活性和景观性同样重要,保护古村落就是保护我们体验、感受传统文化的精神通道。

    At the conclusion the thesis re-emphasizes , the life and the landscape is equally important , protecting the ancient village is to protect our experience , the feelings of the spirit of traditional culture channel .

  8. 沙溪是古时茶马古道上的重要中转站。茶马古道虽然名气不及丝绸之路,但却是同样重要的文化经济交流通道。

    Shaxi village was a crucial node on chama gudao , the ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Route , which is less famous than the Silk Road but arguably of equal importance in terms of what it did for cultural and economic exchange .

  9. 南方丝绸之路是古代中国西南地区与东南亚、南亚、中亚和西亚各国进行经济文化交流的国际通道。

    Abstract The Silk Road in Southern China was an international passageway through which the exchange of economy and culture was carried .

  10. 新疆作为古代东西方经济文化交流的主要通道和枢纽,自古以来就是一个多种宗教并存的地区。

    As the main passageway and hub for economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West in ancient times , Xinjiang has always been a region where a number of religions exist side by side .

  11. 在宋、丽文化交流中,文化交流的通道以海上为主;

    In the course of the SongKoryo cultural exchange , merchant began to play important role ;

  12. 笔者认为,具有强烈的文化传承责任感的中国士大夫知识分子是中国文化进入禅宗的通道,或者说士大夫知识分子是禅宗携带上中国文化特征的中介。

    The author argues that ancient Chinese intellectuals , who consciously take the heavy responsibility for the continuity of Chinese culture , have introduced Chinese culture into Chan .

  13. 论湖南通道侗乡民族文化资源的特色与旅游开发特色的侗乡民族文化是湖南省通道侗族自治县旅游发展的依托,良好的生态环境是民族旅游发展的基础。

    Relationship between Dong Minority Culture and Ethnic Minority Ecotourism in Tongdao County Hunan Province The unique tourism resources generated by Dong Minority Culture are the reliances for the development of Tongdao 's tourism and the sound environment is the basis of it .