
  • 网络literary psychology;psychology of literature
  1. 第二章则以传记解释为中心,结合茨威格的众多优秀传记文本,择取童年经验、性、以及文学心理学等三个方面对精神分析的理论视野在茨威格传记中的具体呈现进行了论述。

    Chapter three examines manifestations of psychoanalytical theories in Zweig 's biography , centering on explanations in biography , in combination with his many excellent biographies such as " Childhood ", " Sex " and " Literary Psychology " .

  2. 此外,还运用了哲学美学、文学心理学、文学历史学等跨学科方法研究一切文学现象。

    He also conducts inter-disciplinary studies of all literary phenomena in perspectives of philosophical aesthetics , literary psychology , literary history researches and others .

  3. 我们希望即使专业是文学或者心理学的学生,一样能在数学方面有所造诣;

    We expect college graduates to understand mathematics even if they are a literature or psychology major .

  4. 如上述,社会学、文学、心理学是夏目漱石一贯关心的三个领域。他的创作主题也可以相应归纳为文明批评、文艺观、心理探求三个方面。

    According to his focus on sociology , literature and psychology , his creative theme can be summed up as civilization criticism , literary and artistic view , and psychology quest .

  5. 目前对幽默的研究主要集中在文学和心理学的角度,从翻译的侧面对幽默的研究极少。

    At present , the study on humor is mainly carried out from the perspectives of literature and psychology . There is very little study on humor from the angle of translation .

  6. 一直以来,古诗鉴赏过程的心理机制都受到文学、心理学和认知语言学研究领域的广泛关注。但由于古诗鉴赏过程的复杂性和研究方法的限制,人们对古诗鉴赏的研究都停留在理论分析阶段。

    Although the psychological mechanisms of poem appreciation process have been widely concerned by the fields of literature , psychology and cognitive linguistics , the process of poem appreciation is so complicated that the research still stays in the phase of theoretical analysis .

  7. 你说这个文学评论是心理学课的,是吧?

    You said this is for your psychology course , right ?

  8. 论文还花了一定的文字量客观评价了儿童文学与儿童心理学结合的研究现状,并对其发展前景进行了展望。

    At the same time , this paper also evaluated the present study status and prospect of the combination of children 's literature and children 's psycology objectively .

  9. 文学治疗的心理学依据追溯文学的治疗功能,由亚里士多德的净化说到弗洛伊德的精神分析学都注意到了艺术宣泄的精神治疗作用。

    The psychological basis for the treatment function of literature . The treatment function of literature may date back to Aristotle 's " purification " and Freud 's psychoanalysis theory , which pays attention to the treatment function for mental troubles by artistic release .

  10. 本论文结合儿童文学和儿童心理学这两个学科,力求从儿童成长中两个反抗期(第一反抗期和第二反抗期)的独特个体发展特点去剖析儿童文学对儿童心理的把握。

    This paper , which combined children 's literature and children 's psycology , tried to analyze how the children 's literature grasped children 's psycology from two aspects of children 's growth , which were the first rebellion period and the second rebellion period .

  11. 例如,文学学者利用进化心理学来解释小说中长期存在的主题和情节手法。

    For example , evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the long-lasting themes and plot devices in fiction .

  12. 研究哲学代替不了对艺术、文学、历史、心理学、人类学、社会学、政治学和科学的研究。

    Studying philosophy isn 't an alternative to studying art , literature , history , psychology , anthropology , sociology , politics , and science .

  13. 我还选修了英语、中国文学、写作和心理学方面的课程,希望今年七月毕业后从事科技销售或编辑工作。

    I have also taken as many courses in english , Chinese literature , writing and psychology as possible with the expection that I would enter the field of technical sales or editing following my graduation this july .

  14. 翻译学不同分支之间的联系以及翻译学和其他学科之间的联系仍然值得我们关注和探索。本文要研究的是文学翻译和审美心理学之间的联系。

    However , the links between different branches of translation studies and that between translation studies and other disciplines are still well worth noticing and exploring . In this thesis , our main concern is literary translation and aesthetic psychology .

  15. 传统文学批评从文学、文化、心理学等多种角度分析过主人公霍尔顿的心理模式。

    Traditional reviews have analyzed the hero Holden from various perspectives , literary , cultural , and psychological .

  16. 本文主要从两章展开论述:第一章,文学治疗的理论探讨,涉及五个问题:文学治疗的心理学依据;

    This thesis includes two chapters : The first chapter is to probe into the theory of the treatment function of literature involving five issues : the psychological basis for the treatment function of literature ;