
  • 网络Literature Semiology
  1. 少数民族文学是符号学研究的广阔天地。

    The ethnic minority literature provides a wide world for semiology to study and research .

  2. 文学翻译的符号学视野

    A Semiotic View of Literary Translation

  3. 在40多年的发展和流变中,该术语已不仅仅是文学研究或符号学的理论产物,更是延伸并渗透到了诸多人文学科的相关领域。

    In the 40 years of development and the flow , the term has been more than the product of literature or semiotic theory , it has extended and penetrated into many related areas of the humanities .

  4. 地理环境与赣南旅游文学旅游文本的符号学翻译研究

    Study of semiotic translation of tourist literature Medium and Literature

  5. 以往的翻译理论往往集中于对文学作品中的语言符号的对等讨论,而文学符号学的对等观则建立在文学符号的层面上。

    Meanwhile , equivalence in the light of literary semiotics is based at the level of literary sign .

  6. 罗兰·巴特对文学尤其关注,在对文学的思考中其文学符号学经历了由结构主义到解构主义的显著变化。

    Roland Barthes pays close attention to literature , his literary semiology theory experiences obvious changes from structuralism to deconstruction in his consideration of literature .

  7. 目前对他的文学基本理论的探讨中最重要的零度写作观、叙事学理论及文本理论都是他的文学符号学的组成部分。

    Nowadays , his literary semiology theory consists of the most important parts in the discussion in the theory : writing degree zero , narrative theory and text theory .