
  • 网络document processing;document handling;Word;Pages
  1. 使用你的文档处理软件的“页面设置”功能来选择正确的纸型,自动为你的文档重新制定格式。

    Use the " page set up " function in your word processing software to select the correct size paper and automatically reformat your document .

  2. XML文档处理系统DocMgr的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of document processing system on XML

  3. XML的半结构化数据表示方法及其在医学文档处理中的应用

    Representation Methods for XML-Based Semistructured Data and Applications in Medicine Documents Processing

  4. 很多组织开始采用XML作为数据存储格式,一些出版、文档处理行业也采用XML文档,大多数的数据库系统也已经支持XML数据库。

    Many organizations store data in XML , and many database systems also support XML database .

  5. 端口之间的这些连接称为步骤绑定,它们控制XML文档处理流。

    These connections between ports are known as step bindings , and they control the flow of XML document processing .

  6. PortalDocumentManager的性能也得到了改进,可以保存文档处理和优化文档预览。

    The performance of the Portal Document Manager has been improved to save document renditions and streamline document preview .

  7. 基于XSLT的XML文档处理

    XML Document Process based on XSLT

  8. 我认为这表明Java特定的模型通常成功地实现简化Java代码中的XML文档处理这个目标。

    I think this shows that the Java-specific models have generally succeeded in their goal of simplifying XML document handling in Java code .

  9. 它还将通过提供简明的HTML文档处理规则,解决成本问题。

    It still will pass the HTML documentation that provides brachylogy to handle regulation , solve cost problem .

  10. 随着XML被国际上许多组织采纳作为标准数据交换格式,XML文档处理技术日益受到关注。

    As XML is used by many international organizations as a standard interchanging data form , the importance of the processing technologies of XML document is increased .

  11. Linux有图形化的管理工具,以及日常办公的工具,比如电子邮件、网络浏览器和文档处理工具等。

    There are graphical tools for managing Linux , as well as tools for general office work , such as e-mail , Web-browsing , and document processing .

  12. UIMA将每个表行的特定文本列内容作为一个文本文档处理。

    UIMA handles the given text column content of each table row as one text document .

  13. Sxpipe:尝试使用简单XML管道(SimpleXMLPipelines,sxpipe)构建简单的XML文档处理模型,并选择计算组件的顺序。

    Sxpipe : Try Simple XML Pipelines ( sxpipe ) to build a simple processing model for XML documents and choose the order in which components are evaluated .

  14. 因此,本文在Lucene中增加多格式文档处理模块,以实现对多种文件格式的支持。

    Thus , the processing modules for multi-format documents are added in Lucene in this paper , so as to support multiple document formats .

  15. 本文提出了一种基于VC的方法,能够对大量文件进行批量操作,这样就可以大幅减轻文档处理人员的无谓劳动,提高处理文档的效率。

    THE NECESSARY DIATHESIS OF MEDICAL TANGLE DEALER A method that is presented based on VC here can realize the mass operation of files , and by this method the efficiency will be elevated largely .

  16. 比如,我很容易就创建了一个组标签为“生产力”的磁贴,把工作中最常用的一些软件固定在了主菜单上,包括用来查邮件和浏览网页的应用、Twitter、计算器和微软的文档处理软件Word。

    For example , I easily created a group of tiles labeled " Productivity " and pinned some of my most frequently used software for work , including apps for email , web browsing , Twitter , a calculator and Microsoft Word .

  17. 负责部门的文档处理,为本部门员工提供行政支持。

    Responsible for maintaining files , providing administrative support to production staff .

  18. 在数字文档处理中,文档图像的倾斜角校正一直是研究的一个热点。

    This paper gives a method for document image Skew angle correction .

  19. 纯文本文档处理技术的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Pure Text Document Technique

  20. 一种支持多语言文本布局方向的文档处理模型

    A Document Processing Model Supporting Multilingual Text Layout Direction

  21. 还记得我提到的浮动被从文档处理流程中移除出来的话吗?

    Remember that I mentioned that floats are removed from the document flow ?

  22. 文档处理中消除线噪声的研究

    Line style noise removal in document image processing

  23. 文档处理程序不是用于捕获业务流程的最优工具。

    A document processor is not the optimal tool for capturing a business process .

  24. 文档处理中背景字符的去除

    Removing of Preprinted Characters in Document Image Processing

  25. 记录流程的最简单工具之一是使用基于文本的文档处理程序。

    One of the simplest tools to document a process is a text-based document processor .

  26. 这种方法降低了文档处理的计算复杂度,提高了处理速度。

    This method reduces the computing complexity of document processing , and increased processing speed .

  27. 还有很多回调函数用于文档处理、错误和其它词汇结构。

    Many more callbacks are present for document processing , errors , and other lexical structures .

  28. 您也可以限制文档处理过程中可以编辑文档的用户。

    You can also limit users who can edit the document while it is in progress .

  29. 所以,整理出一份文档处理行尸走肉的入侵。

    So , worked up a document for dealing with the flesh-eating invasion by the walking dead .

  30. 该软件除了用于建立药物化学专利数据库的用户界面外,还将由国家专利局用于专利审查文档处理软件。

    It would be used to input patent document and users ' interface of pharmaceutical chemical patent database .