
  1. 文化的主人是大众,文艺新闻的主人亦是大众。

    Culture is the owner of the mass , the master is also a popular literary news .

  2. 第三章,以物质载体为内容,重点介绍了太行抗日根据地文化建设的成果,包括文艺、新闻出版、教育、科技、医药卫生等方面。

    Chapter three focus on the results of Taihang anti-Japanese base culture construction , including literature , journalism , publishing , education , science and technology , medicine and health care and so on , in the form of material .

  3. 时代不断进步,文艺副刊与新闻事业的发展也应当与时俱进。

    With the development of times , the newspaper literary and artistic supplement keeps the pace with the development the news cause .

  4. 首先考察一+量十形情感结构在文艺语体和新闻语体中的出现频率,基于在新闻语体的出现频率较高,重点考察该结构在新闻语体中的语篇功能。

    Firstly , we investigate the occurrence frequency in literary style and news style , especially the news style due to the higher frequency .

  5. 萧乾以其编辑家特有的才能和人格魅力,朝气蓬勃地活跃于20世纪三四十年代的文艺界与新闻界,为发展中国现代文学事业与新闻事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Xiao Qian actively took part in literary-artistic and journalistic world in 1930s and 40s with his own unique talent and charisma and made indelible contributions to Chinese modern literature and journalism .

  6. 在精神产品的创作方面,要破除文艺创作与新闻传播的自由化观念,树立文化建设的整体大局观念;

    In creation of the intellectual product , we should abolish the liberalization idea in the literary creation and the dissemination of news and establish the overall situation idea of the cultural construction ?