
  • 网络variety show
  1. 电视综艺节目借助其创新性博得观众的关注,而原创性和创意难以量化,使得在现行的法律原则和规范下电视综艺节目创新性的法律保护陷入尴尬局面。

    The TV variety show with its innovation , and originality and creativity are difficult to quantify , making the existing legal principles and norms of TV variety shows under the legal protection of innovation into an embarrassing situation .

  2. 中国电视综艺节目的现状及策划

    The Present Condition and the Plan of the Chinese Television Variety Show

  3. SM和其他公司通过让明星代言最新手机,或是参加电视综艺节目来弥补这块收入短板。

    SM Entertainment and other purveyors of K-pop cover this shortfall at home by having their stars hawk the latest phone , or appear on television variety shows .

  4. 我国电视综艺节目在发展中的问题与对策分析

    Research about the Development of China 's TV Entertainment Program

  5. 电视综艺节目的创新研究

    A Study of Innovation of TV Grogram of Synthetic Art

  6. 后现代文化在电视综艺节目中初露端倪。

    Post-modernism has made its initial appearance in miscellaneous art TV programs .

  7. 台湾电视综艺节目中政治娱乐化现象之动因分析

    Analysis on the Motivation of the Political Entertainment in TV Variety Shows of Taiwan

  8. 他父亲是电视综艺节目的主持人。

    His father was the master of ceremonies of a variety show on TV .

  9. 电视综艺节目的发展与演变

    The Development of TV Program of Synthetic Art

  10. 新栏目资讯电视综艺节目的创新研究

    Information About New Programs A Study of Innovation of TV Grogram of Synthetic Art

  11. 大部份的电视综艺节目都不值得看。

    A : Most of the TV variety shows are just not worth watching .

  12. 后现代狂欢&从电视综艺节目审视一种文化趋向

    The Spree of Post modernism & A cultural trend viewed through miscellaneous TV programs of arts

  13. 第三部分主要论述语文教学对电视综艺节目的借鉴。

    The third part mainly discusses the reference of Chinese education from the variety show of TV .

  14. 电视综艺节目显示出清晰的商品化、市场化倾向。

    Because of the political situation and TV competition variety shows clearly show commercialization and a market trend .

  15. 第六部分项目的财务管理,一个电视综艺节目制作的项目团队管理者,要使得该项目是可以盈利的,财务管理方面是很重要的部分,第六章对财务管理进行研究。

    A television variety show team manager should make the project get profit . The financial management is very important part .

  16. 电视综艺节目以其丰富的影像、音乐、多媒体融合手段,赢得了大众普遍接受和关注。

    TV variety programs with plenty integration methods of images , music and multimedia have won the acceptance and attention of general public .

  17. 结合电视综艺节目的特点与高色温灯具的实际应用情况分析高色温录制模式的特点。

    The characteristics of High Color Temperature Record Mode were analyzed combined with the specialty of variety show and conditions of high color temperature fixtures .

  18. 因此笔者尝试将电视综艺节目创新性通过电视模板的形式固定下来,电视综艺节目的创新性便有了可以量化的标准。

    So I try to innovative TV variety shows on TV down in the form template , the innovative TV variety shows will have a quantifiable standard .

  19. 系统地从大众文化角度、传媒经济角度以及受众心理角度论述了超级女声这一电视综艺节目品牌。

    From the angle of the mass communication culture 、 communication economy and receiver mentality , systematic explanation and discussion the brand of Super Voice Girl are presented .

  20. 通过对这些问题的研究和探讨,希望能够总结两岸在电视综艺节目合作上的成功经验,为未来两岸的合作共赢规划出正确的路径。

    Through the research on these issues and explore , hoping to sum up the two sides on television variety shows to success for the future cross-strait cooperation .

  21. 在各种电视综艺节目风起云涌的今天,晚会始终是制作者和观众所青睐的节目形式。

    On today various television program shows like rising winds and surging clouds , the evening party as a program form is always high in the fabricator and audience favor .

  22. 现阶段学者对于超级女声的评论很多,林林总总,然而,尚未全面系统地解释超级女声与电视综艺节目的发展之间的内在机理。

    Nowadays , there has appeared numerous comments on Super Voice Girl , but none of them give a overall systematic explanation the internal TV development mechanism behind the Super Voice Girl .

  23. 本文的创新点在于将长期以来难以量化、一般被界定为思想而无法受到法律保护的电视综艺节目创新性通过电视模板的方式来表达。

    Innovation of this paper lies in a long time difficult to quantify , the general thought is defined as legal protected and can not be innovative TV variety shows ' pattern .

  24. 台湾电视综艺节目以其独特的个性、幽默的风格和精心的构思,吸引了亚洲甚至全世界华人的关注,并拥有很高的知晓度,在青少年中拥有稳定的收视群体。

    The variety shows in Taiwan are famous for unique features , humorous style and clever conception , attracting Chinese people around the world , especially with a high popularity among the teenagers .

  25. 电视综艺节目模板因其代表了该节目的创作构思,涵盖了电视综艺节目的独创点,成为为收视率创造奇迹的制胜法宝。

    A representative of TV pattern is the creationary idea of the program , covering the original point of TV variety show ; it comes to a viewing rate miracle for the Holy Grail .

  26. 在国内收视最高的电视综艺节目中,她微笑着在数百万电视观众的注视下给对方一个让人无语的回答:就算约会出了问题,我宁愿坐在宝马里哭。

    Even if a date went bad , " I ` d rather cry in a BMW " was her giggling , withering rejection , watched by millions on China ` s top-rated TV entertainment show .

  27. 论文以超级女声为切入点,在归纳电视综艺节目的一般规律的基础上,对我国目前电视综艺节目今后的发展提出了建议。

    This paper chooses Super Voice Girl as the research focus , and on the base of inducing the common rules of TV entertainment programming makes suggestions for the future development of our TV entertainment programming .

  28. 电视综艺节目也是近几年才丌始迅猛发展,国内外一些学者开始对此类问题进行研究,但并没有对电视节目模板创意做全面论述。

    In the fact , it is during the recent years that television entertainment programs begin to develop , so the research of this question is still a new subject in the world and the scholars have not made comprehensive treatise on television program idea .

  29. 论我国电视综艺娱乐节目的发展策略

    Strategies for the Development of TV Variety Entertainment in China

  30. 电视综艺游戏节目嘉宾可以是明星,也可将普通人打造成明星。

    TV variety game show guest can be a star , but also ordinary people can fight the star .