
wén yán wén
  • writings in classical Chinese;classical style of writing
文言文 [wén yán wén]
  • [classical style of writing] 用文言写的文章

  1. 文言文阅读方法初探

    The Discussion on the Reading Method of Writings in Classical Chinese

  2. 中学文言文阅读教学方法的优化

    Optimizing Teaching-Method of Writings in Classical Chinese in Middle School

  3. 可是对一个车轮师父而言,这些之乎者也的文言文是太深而难懂的。

    To a craftsman , the ancient article with recondite and scholastic words was too abstruse to understand .

  4. 文言文教学策略探微

    A Study on the Teaching Strategy of Writings in Classical Chinese

  5. 在文言文教学中培养学生的审美能力

    How Students ' Aesthetic Ability is Developed in Classical Chinese Teaching

  6. 如何加强中学文言文教学的现代性呢?

    How to strengthen the modernity of CCM in Middle Schools ?

  7. 文言文教学中探究性学习的研究

    Research on Inquiry Learning in the Teaching of Classical Chinese Writings

  8. 中学文言文教学应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems Needing Attention in Classical Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools

  9. 品味性背诵少量文言文代表作;

    Recite small number of masterpieces in classical Chinese for appreciation ;

  10. 中学文言文课堂教学的问题及对策

    The Questions and Countermeasures in Middle School Classical Chinese Classroom Teaching

  11. 让文言文教学动起来

    Motivate the Teaching in the Writings in Classical Chinese Language

  12. 文言文阅读教学一直是我国语文教学的一个难题。

    Classical teaching has been a problem in language teaching in China .

  13. 对文言文教学的认识。

    The understanding of classical style of writing in senior middle school .

  14. 文言文在现代语文教学中具有独特的价值。

    The classical Chinese in modern Chinese teaching has the unique value .

  15. 高中文言文阅读教学中图式理论的应用研究

    Analysis on the Application of Schema Theory in Classical Chinese Reading Teaching

  16. 这些多多益善文言文翻译新窗帘与你的波斯地毯不协调。

    These new curtains don 't go well with your Persian rugs .

  17. 我们要把学过的文言文内容复习好。

    We have got to review these ancient articles we have learnt .

  18. 对于文言文的学习和教学,基本无任何要求与研究。

    There has barely no research in Classical Chinese teaching .

  19. 第二部分文言文教学的价值。

    Second , it is about the value of classical Chinese teaching .

  20. 在中职语文文言文教学中进行审美教育

    Aesthetic Education of Ancient Chinese Teaching Process in Vocational Schools

  21. 文言文翻译应试要领风格的解码与重构

    The key points of translating writings in classical style in the examination

  22. 文言文注释应重视同义连用现象魏晋六朝汉译佛经中的同义连用总括范围副词初论

    Pay Attention to Synonymy Phenomenon in Annotation of Classical Chinese

  23. 词义系统与中学文言文教学

    The Acceptation System and Ancient Chinese Teaching in Middle School

  24. 学生在学习史传类文言文时有极大的畏难抵触情绪。

    The students are greatly afraid of learning classical Chinese .

  25. 高师文言文教学法探究

    The high teacher 's classical Chinese culture and education learn to probe

  26. 语文新课程标准与职业高中文言文教学

    Chinese New Standards and the Ancient Chinese Teaching in Vocation Technical School

  27. 原因四:中文里面还有古汉语(文言文)。

    Top 4 . Because there 's classical Chinese ( wenyanwen ) .

  28. 苏教版高中语文必修教材文言文练习研究

    Su Jiao Ban High School Language Writings in Classical Style Practice Research

  29. 文言文教学三题

    Three Propositions on the Teaching of Writings in Classical Chinese

  30. 运用诵读法改善农村中学文言文教学状况的研究

    The Research of Improving Writing in Classical Chinese Teaching in Rural Areas