
  • Civility;Manners;Civilization
  1. 而且相当坦白地说,我认为这样的文明礼仪,是指导我们司法行事和处理国家事务所必不可少的因素。

    And quite frankly , I think that such civility is the sine qua non of conducting the affairs of the court and the business of the country .

  2. 说到文明礼仪,我想到了一个故事。

    Speaking of civilized manners , I thought of a story .

  3. 这不也是良好文明礼仪的体现么?

    This is not a good reflection of what a civilized manners ?

  4. 可惜,随着时间的流逝大部分的文明礼仪都淡出了人们的视线。

    Sadly , these days it has mostly gone by the wayside .

  5. 或许通过本文可以让一些人有所意识,让这些文明礼仪重获生机。

    Perhaps it will inspire some to revive them !

  6. 试论大学生文明礼仪与心理素质的关系

    To Discuss on Relations of the University Students Civilized Etiquette with the Psychological Quality

  7. 新的一年从文明礼仪开始,从生活礼仪做起!

    The new year from the beginning of civilized manners , etiquette start from the living !

  8. 文明礼仪曾经是社会的粘合剂,它使朋友或邻里之间能够和睦相处,避免产生摩擦或伤害。

    It enabled people to get on with friends and neighbors without causing offense or harm .

  9. 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:早上好!今天我国旗下讲话的题目是:文明礼仪、习惯养成。

    Dear teachers and students : Good morning ! Today my topic is'civilized manners and habits ' .

  10. 文明礼仪曾经是社会的粘合剂

    Top 10 Lost Rules Of Etiquette Etiquette used to be the glue that held society together .

  11. 当你回头看时,你会发现,文明礼仪就在你走过的足迹中。

    When you look back , you will find in the civilized manners you walk in the footsteps .

  12. 文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的基础,是我们健康成长的肩膀。

    Civilized manners is that we learn from the foundation of life is our healthy growth of the arm .

  13. 提高帆船帆板教练员的业务水平,制定统一的从业资格审查制度,对教练员的素质及文明礼仪进行定期培训。

    Enhance the professional level of the sailboat and sailboard coaches . Make a unified professional qualification standard , and train the coaches at regular intervals .

  14. 当然这儿还有个文化差异的问题,可能你遇到一位来自不同文化环境的人那么你适应的文明礼仪就和他们的大为不同。

    There are cultural differences , and you might meet someone from a different culture and your set of manners will quite be different to theirs .

  15. 他们认为,注重培养自己的西方礼仪是个好现象。但同时,专家也指出人们在学习一种外国文明礼仪的同时不应该忽略传统的社交方式。

    They think it 's a good sign people are keen to cultivate their skills in western etiquette but warn they should not neglect the traditional ways while learning new-fangled foreign ones .

  16. 上海的市民拥有较高的素质和文明的礼仪,但离世博会对我们的要求还有相当大的距离。

    Shanghai 's residents have the high quality and the civilized etiquette , but also has the quite great distance to the World Expo to our request .

  17. 城市的本质是生活,是市民的生活,在于塑造一个更加洗练的文明与礼仪的居所,然后在这里过着美好的生活。

    The essence of the city is a civic life , lies in molding a dwelling place of the civilization and decency that is plainer , and then live a fine life here .

  18. 目前大多数各类职业学校学生讲文明、重礼仪的表现并不理想。

    However , most of the students in vocational middle schools fail to give satisfying expression in stressing civic virtues and decorum at present .

  19. 国民礼仪素养代表着一个国家一个民族的文明程度,礼仪教育则承担着继承和发扬中国传统美德的使命。

    The national etiquette literacy represents the degree of civilization of a country , etiquette education bears the mission to inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues .

  20. 我国是一个文明古国,礼仪文化源远流长,素有礼仪之邦的美称。

    China is a country with an ancient civilization , whose cultural rituals date back to ancient times , and it has long been known as " the land of ceremony and propriety " .

  21. 同时,西方饮食文化当中优雅、进步、文明的餐桌礼仪亦引起了国人对中国传统食礼食俗的审视与反思,对近现代文明礼仪的社会进程有着重大而深远的影响。

    At the same time , the elegant , advanced and civilized western table etiquette has also led Chinese people to review and rethink their traditions and brought significant influences to etiquette social processes of nowadays .

  22. 并从中国电影海报呈现出的现代都市文明和都市社交礼仪中,研究电影海报风格与都市流行文化的关系。

    And research the relationship between style of movie posters and urban popular culture , from Chinese movie posters showing the modern urban civilization and urban social etiquette .

  23. 在社会现状中可以看到礼仪文明存在诸多的失范现象,它严重制约了全社会文明礼仪水准的提高,也影响了和谐社会的进程与发展。

    There are many disordered phenomena of proprieties civilization in society , they restrict badly the improvement of whole social proprieties civilization level , affect the advancement and development of harmonious society .