- 网络illiteracy rate

The illiteracy rate in China among this generation is under one percent .
The illiteracy rate of the young and middle-aged dropped to 6 percent .
Yemen has one the lowest literacy rates of the Middle East .
Around the world , literacy rates continue to climb .
India rural basic education has been developing slowly and the illiteracy rate rises constantly in recent years .
rates are high . There are estimates that more than eighty percent of the population cannot read or write .
In the north-east , illiteracy is lower ; in some southern states , such as Mississippi , it is higher .
Nepal with high rate of illiteracy rate of about 46 % has been facing different economic as well as social problems .
Countries with the lowest standards of living and the highest rates of illiteracy are usually countries that do not educate their girls .
According to statistics , the adult illiteracy rate of our country has decreased from 80 % above , down to 4.08 % .
Countries , which share the highest birth rate such as Brazil and India , are also those which share the highest illiteracy rate .
Compared with male , the educational level of female is low , the population proportion is little and the illiteracy rate is high .
Illiteracy among Nigerian women of child-bearing age is three times as high among Muslims ( 71.9 % ) as among others ( 23.9 % ) .
Overall illiteracy rates and gender disparity in access to secondary education remain high and the country continues to suffer poor outcomes on infant and maternal mortality .
Illiteracy rates are dropping , yet approximately one adult in six is still unable to read or write ; two out of three illiterate adults are women .
Although the literacy rate is high in China ( significantly higher than in India ), many children still do not attend school because their parents force them to work .
The details may help authorities identify areas where neglect is high , where poverty is particularly rife and where high numbers of people are unable to read or to work .
But the interlocal difference still exists , the research showed that the culture quality in east surpass in middle and west area , educated degree in urban surpass in rural .
And the tendency of population increment in the areas is relevant to backward economic development , deteriorated ecological environment , heavy burden of population as well as high illiteracy rate .
In recent years , the growth rate of average schooling of women above the age of15 and the reduced illiteracy rate of women have both exceeded those for their male counterparts .
Since the founding of the People 's Republic , the educational situation in ethnic-minority areas has been improved remarkably , and the illiteracy rate has been reduced by 68 percentage points .
At present , the system of nine-year compulsory education covers 85 percent of the total population , and the illiteracy rate among the young and middle-aged has dropped to 5 percent .
The Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) region spends more on public education than any other developing region , and yet it has some of the highest rates of youth illiteracy in the world .
In this paper through analyzing the population , religion , culture and geography in the Sichuan and Yunnan area , We think that the complex landform and backward transport make the economy leg behind other areas and cause a high ratio of illiteracy .
Lack of basic services translates in to high mortality , increase in illiteracy rate , law and order problems , high level of influx of people in to urban areas , low economic activity which further leads to a poor living standard and a low Human Development Index .
Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates .
The changes of all Chinese Ethnic Groups ' Illiterate Population and Illiteracy rate
According to statistics , illiterates totalled 320 million in 1949 when the People 's Republic of China was founded , with the illiteracy rate as high as 80 percent .
By 1990 the number of illiterates among people above the age of 15 came down to 180 million , and the illiteracy rate dropped to 22.2 percent .
In 1994 the number of China 's total illiterates dropped to 150 million , and the illiteracy rate dropped to 17 percent ;