
  • 网络Fehling reagent;fehling's reagent;Fehling's solution
  1. 通过实验条件的选择,确定了葡萄糖和果糖与斐林试剂反应,与磷钼酸显色的动力学反应级数为零级;

    Under optimum experiment conditions , the kinetic reaction grades of glucose and fructose reacting with Fehling reagent and phosphomolybdic acid are zero ;

  2. 使用了斐林试剂法测定还原糖含量的方法来确定甲苷以及乙二苷的转化率。

    The amount of glucoside was determined by Fehling reagent-Spectrophotometric method .

  3. 与斐林试剂法、班氏试剂法和托伦试剂法等常用的鉴定方法相比较,所用的试剂易于配制、方便储存,放置3个月后仍然可以正常使用;

    Comparing to commonly used three methods , Fehlings Reagent , Benedict Reagent and Tollens Reagent , the new reagent is convenient to prepare , storage and it still has the same result as it was prepared after three months ;