
  1. 斗栱艺术与结构机能演变历史的研究

    Study on the Evolution History of Art and Structure Function for Dougong

  2. 斗栱和拱是两种最具有代表性的对称的结构支撑构件;

    Bracket set and arch are the most representative kinds support component ;

  3. 斗栱的美学价值及装饰功能

    Aesthetic values and decorative functions of ' dougong '

  4. 汉代建筑大木作技术特征(之一)&斗栱木结构在中国

    Research of Architecture Technology of Timber Construction in China Han-Dynasty ( Part One ) ) & Tou-kung

  5. 斗栱:中国传统建筑中的精髓&兼论其在中国园林建筑之应用斗栱和拱是两种最具有代表性的对称的结构支撑构件;

    Bracket Set : the Soul of Chinese Traditional Architecture Bracket set and arch are the most representative kinds support component ;

  6. 笔者通过研究,认为从起源一直到当代,斗栱都有着一条明确的符号线索。

    Through research , I hold the opinion that Dougong have a clear sign 's clue from its origin to contemporary era .

  7. 木塔各层中二层的残损最为严重,二层整体的倾斜变形十分严重,柱子和斗栱等结构构件也有不同程度的残损情况。

    The overall slope of the second floor is very serious . Column and bucket arch have different degrees of damage condition .

  8. 目前对于斗栱的研究多集中在建构或装饰方面,将之视作一种结构方式或装饰手法,对其文化意义的考察相对较少且不够深入。

    Now the study of Dougong focuses more on the tectonics or decoration aspect , see it as makeup way or decoration style , the study of culture meaning of it is comparatively less and superficial .

  9. 从结构角度对木塔斗栱、梁柱节点和柱脚节点进行了归类。用工程力学的观点,分析了古建筑木结构特有的侧脚和生起的结构作用。

    The Dou-Gong Brackets , beam-column joints and column-base joints were classified from a structural point of view . The structural virtues of Column-Lean and Column-Raising , unique in ancient Chinese wood structures like the pagoda , were investigated by means of engineering mechanics .