
dǒu qú
  • lateral canal;head ditch
斗渠 [dǒu qú]
  • [lateral canal] 由支渠引水到毛渠或灌区的渠道

斗渠[dǒu qú]
  1. 研究区内干渠、支渠、斗渠以混凝土或砖石衬砌结构为主,农渠和毛渠主要是传统土质沟渠。

    The agricultural ditch system included trunk canal , branch canal and lateral canal , which were made by concrete or block stones . And terminal canals were soil-beded .

  2. 灌溉渠道支斗渠轮灌配水与引水时间优化模型

    Optimal Model of Rotation Irrigation Distribution Channel and Branch Canal and Delivery Time

  3. 结果干渠与斗渠的钉螺死亡率变化呈相同趋势,并高度相关;

    Results The death rate of snails in the channel and that in the small ditch was significantly related .

  4. 然而,斗渠以下供水末级渠系维护费缺乏统一的核算标准,影响了终端水价改革的推进。

    However , there is no standardized accounting method for maintenance cost of sub-irrigation system and it has hindered development of terminal water price reform .