
  • 网络Orthopyroxene;OPX
  1. 斜方辉石的反演畴结构对其衍射效应的影响

    Influence of inversional domain structure of orthopyroxene on its diffraction effect

  2. 斜方辉石的光性及红外光谱研究

    Studies on the optical character and infrared spectrum of orthopyroxene

  3. P(21)ca斜方辉石相变的研究

    A Study on the phase Transition of P2_1ca Orthopyroxene

  4. 辉石岩包体含有绿色的Cr辉石岩和黑色的Al辉石岩包体两种类型,均为二辉岩,且多数样品中单斜辉石含量高于斜方辉石。

    Two types of pyroxenite xenoliths are noted , namely , green Cr-and black Al-pyroxenites . All pyroxenites are websterites in which clinopyroxene is more abundant than orthopyroxene .

  5. 产于细粒辉长岩和层状辉长岩中的单斜辉石和斜方辉石,它们的Eu和Ce异常的差异,主要受控于矿物结晶时的氧化还原条件。

    Eu and Ce anomalies in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene from finegrained gabbro and bcdded gabbro could be attributed to the oxidation and reduction conditions during the crystallization of the minerals .

  6. 含长二辉橄榄岩以其具有地幔橄榄岩特有的变晶结构和Ng(100)高温变形组构,以及含斜方辉石等特点而区别于堆晶岩。

    The Pl-lherzolite differs from the cumulates in having blastic texture and high-temperature deformed fabric of Ng [ 100 ] characteristic of the mantle peridotite and yielding orthopyroxene .

  7. 尖晶石-斜方辉石间Al-Cr交换平衡的实验研究

    Experimental study on Al-Cr exchange equilibrium between orthopyroxene and spinel

  8. 这一现象在一定程度上掩盖了斜方辉石P2(1ca)的真实对称性。

    It conceals the real symmetry of P2_ ( 1ca ) orthopyroxene to a certain extent .

  9. 探讨了斜方辉石-尖晶石间的Al-Cr交换平衡。

    The Al - Cr exchange equilibrium between orthopyroxene and spinel has been studied .

  10. 在从尖晶石橄榄岩向斜长石橄榄岩的相转变过程中,尖晶石强烈富Ti,且其Cr/(Cr+Al)逐渐增大;斜方辉石中的Ti含量和Cr/(Cr+Al)同时逐渐增大;

    During transition from spinel-lherzolite to plagioclase-lherzolite facies , spinel is very rich in Ti and its Cr / ( Cr + Al ) increases , Ti content and Cr / ( Cr + Al ) of orthopyroxene increase simultaneously ;

  11. 晚期较低温压条件下富Ca的含水流体(熔体)的交代作用,继续交代残余的斜方辉石,形成贫Al2O3角闪石,并使尖晶石发生富Fe3+贫Al。

    Hydrous fluid ( melt ) enriched in Ca continually reacted with mantle wedge in low pressure and temperature conditions and changed the residual orthopyroxene into amphibole with low Al2O3 to lead to the enrichment of Fe3 + and depletion of Al in spinel .

  12. 堆积的斜方辉石几乎自下而上地分布在整个剖面中。

    Cumulate orthopyroxene occurs almost from top to bottom of the section .

  13. 冲绳海槽岩浆性质的变化特点:斜方辉石提供的信息

    Characteristic variations of magma in the Okinawa trough : information derived from the orthopyroxene

  14. 斜方辉石空间群类型的重新确认

    Reconfirmation of the space group for orthopyroxene

  15. 橄榄石的增生边和斜方辉石的反应边是变质作用形成的。

    Corona around olivine and rim on orthopyroxene were produced as a result of metamorphism .

  16. Ⅱ组的普通辉石形成于约1000℃。含大量(≥20%)形态多样斜方辉石出溶片晶,且具有(110)出溶。

    Augites of Group ⅱ contain more than 20 % exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene of various shapes .

  17. 该玄武岩中含有丰富的幔源橄榄石、斜方辉石和单斜辉石捕掳晶。

    Abundant mantle-derived xenocrysts such as olivine , orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene can be found in the basalt .

  18. Cr~(2+)在橄榄石、斜方辉石和尖晶石中溶解度的实验研究

    Experimental study on solubility of cr  ̄( 2 + ) in olivine , orthopyroxene and spinel solid solution

  19. 麻粒岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合主要为方解石+白云石+金云母+镁橄榄石+透辉石+钛铁矿+尖晶石±斜方辉石等;

    The granulite facies retrograded stage with calcite + dolomite + diopside + ilmenite + phlogopite + spinel ± orthopyroxene ;

  20. 橄榄石的增生边、斜方辉石和易变辉石的反应边,成分均&基质辉石都是变质作用形成的。

    Corona on olivine , rim on inverted pigeonite and overgrowth on orthopyroxene , and homogenized matrix pyroxenes are produced by metamorphism .

  21. 这些岩石一般都展示了平衡的矿物共生结构,但在镁铁质麻粒岩的单斜辉石中普遍发育斜方辉石(易变辉石)的出溶片晶。

    All metamorphic rocks exhibit an equilibrium texture , but exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene ( pigeonite ) occur in all clinopyroxenes in mafic granulites .

  22. 这两个地方的捕虏体均为尖晶石相橄榄岩,岩石组合为橄榄石+斜方辉石±单斜辉石±尖晶石。

    Xenoliths in the two locations are all spinel peridotite xenoliths , with mineral assemblage of olivine + orthopyroxene stone ± clinopyroxene ± spinel .

  23. 石榴石变斑晶后生合晶反应边中外侧细粒斜方辉石、斜长石和石英集合体代表了峰后变质阶段;

    Irregular fine grain assemblage of hypersthene , plagioclase and quartz at outer part of symplectic rims around porphyroblasts garnet is the post-peak mineral association ;

  24. 橄榄石、橄榄岩地震波各向异性与橄榄岩中矿物含量的研究,定量的说明了斜方辉石的效果是降低总体的各向异性。

    According to the study of olivine and peridotite anisotropy and the mineral compositions in the peridotite , the orthopyroxene can reduce the overall effect of the anisotropy .

  25. 斜方辉石和橄榄石鬣刺呈中空骸晶状,大部被滑石、铁白云石、绿泥石、磁铁矿等取代,但仍保留完好的长柱状假像;

    Orthopyroxene and olivine spinifex shows intermediate hollow skeletal crystal , most of which are replaced by talc , ankerite , chlorite and magnetite , but still keeps undamaged columnar pseudomorphism ;

  26. 结果表明,在橄榄石和斜方辉石中Cr~(3+)可忽略不计。实验结果显示:随着温度的升高、压力的降低,Cr~(2+)在橄榄石、斜方辉石和尖晶石中的溶解度逐渐增大;

    The results indicate that Cr3 + in Ol and Opx is negligible , and that the solubility of Cr2 + in Ol , Opx and SP increases with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure .

  27. 由于强烈的蛇纹石化,残余的橄榄石(Fo9293)仅占5%~40%,斜方辉石富镁(En8793)并有解理弯曲等韧性变形现象。

    Due to intensive serpentinization olivine relicts ( Fo 92 93 ) are scarce , only 5 % 40 % . The orthopyroxenes are magnesium rich ( En 87 93 ) and had undergone ductile deformation , showed as bending of cleavages and others .

  28. 岩浆在上升过程中由于密度关系,在深部形成深部岩浆房,在这里发生主要以橄榄石为主并有少量斜方辉石的分离结晶作用。

    When the magma is in the course of rising because of the density , it forms deep magma chamber in the deep , and there it takes place the fractional crystallization , the main mineral is olivine and there is a little orthopyroxene .

  29. 非理想热力学混合作用对固溶体矿物热容的影响&以斜方顽火辉石-正铁辉石固溶体为例

    Influence of non-ideal thermodynamic mixing on the heat capacities of solid solution minerals as exemplified by orthoenstatite-orthoferrosilite solution