
xié lǜ
  • slope;gradient;ascent;rake ratio
斜率 [xié lǜ]
  • [slope] 由一条直线与X轴形成的角的正切

斜率[xié lǜ]
  1. 研究了PI调节、动态调节、响应线的自动平移、调节器非对称输出及斜率调节等控制算法在压缩机防喘振控制系统中的应用。

    The applications of the PI Algorithm , Dynamic Intervention , Shifting of Response Line , Asymmetric Controller Output and Gradient Supervision etc. in anti surge control system are discussed .

  2. 采用直接斜率控制法完整地实现了对自适应光学(AO)系统的数值模拟,系统研究了带自适应光学校正的激光大气传输规律。

    By using the direct wavefront gradient control method , numerical simulation of all parts of an adaptive optics ( AO ) system is carried out .

  3. 当地热斜率太低,以至任何深度上都不能产生空隙流体时,低速层将最后消失。

    The layer will finally disappear when the slope of the geotherm is too low to produce interstitial fluid at any depth .

  4. 竞争脉冲的个数由us(t)的斜率决定。

    The number of competition pulse are dependent on the slop of us ( t ) .

  5. 自适应斜率输出函数的BP算法

    A BP algorithm with Self-adapting Slope Output Function

  6. CT灌注在低注射流率时最大斜率法的准确性分析及改良

    Analysis of Accuracy and Improvement of Maximum-Slope Method in CT Perfusion under the Condition of Low Injection Rate

  7. N(Z)的和图.斜率跟踪法画剪力图和弯矩图

    Using the Tracking Slope Method to Draw a Shear Diagram and a Bending Moment Diagram

  8. USB双捕新方法&随扫斜率判决法

    A New Twoway Acquisition Method for USB & Scan Slope Decision Method

  9. 我们得到了活动星系核在B、V波段合理的光变曲线以及光谱斜率和光度之间的正相关性。

    We get reasonable light curves in B and V bands and find a positive correlation between variability and spectral slope .

  10. 改良最大斜率法与去卷积算法所得结果差异无显著性意义(P0.05)。

    There was not significant difference between the improved maximum-slope method and deconvolution arithmetic ( P0.05 ) .

  11. R波振幅阳性病人其最大ST/HR斜率明显高于阴性病人。

    The maximum ST / HR slopes of patients with positive R-wave amplitude were significantly higher than that with negative R-wave amplitude .

  12. 平板运动试验△ST/△HR最大斜率对冠心病的诊断价值

    Significance of maximum ST / HR slope during treadmill exercise test in diagnosing coronary heart disease

  13. SPECT核素显像甲状腺动态曲线的斜率对甲状腺机能的快速判断

    Determining the thyroid function by the slopes of thyroid dynamic curve originated from SPECT

  14. 不同强化曲线类型的升段斜率(S)、增强后CT最大变化值(△HU)以及组织血管增强比值(TBR)间的差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    There are significant difference between slopes of various enhancement curve and among A HU , S , TBR .

  15. 利用四参数Chirplet分解方法估计SAR多普勒调频斜率

    Estimation of SAR Doppler Rate Using Four-Parameter Chirplet Decomposition Method

  16. 目的探索ROC曲线下面积与ROC曲线在ND轴上的截距、斜率的关系。

    Objective : To study relationship area under ROC curve with intercept and slope .

  17. 在SAR成像中,MD算法是一种对多普勒调频斜率进行估计的自聚焦处理过程。

    Mapdrift algorithm is an autofocusing processing which can get correct Doppler frequency modulation slope in SAR processing .

  18. 并用斜率法、饱和法、化学分析法、紫外光谱、红外光谱探讨了PC萃取金、铂的机理。

    The extraction mechanisms of gold and platinum were discussed with the slope method , the saturated method , chemical analysis , UV-spectrum and IR-spectrum .

  19. 斜率传感器装在X向滑板上,而晶片固定在可绕Z轴转动的主轴上。

    The slope sensor is mounted on a linear X-carriage and the wafer on a spindle with its rotational axis along the Z-axis .

  20. 平均压与主波上升斜率、K值和H(1+ts/td)有较好相关性。

    Mean arterial pressure was correlated with main wave ascending slope and the value of K and H ( 1 + t s / t d ) .

  21. 用MSP430实现斜率A/D转换的温度控制系统

    Temperature Controlling System by MSP430 to Realize A / D Transform of Slope

  22. 调制转移光外差光谱信号的信噪比(SNR)和中心斜率与吸收程等有关。

    Absorption length has an influence on signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) and slope of modulation transfer spectra .

  23. 此线的斜率正比于电离层等效板厚τ,直线与纵轴的交点给出Ωc。

    The slope of the regression line is proportinal to t , the equivalent thickness of the ionosphere , and its interception with the ordinate axis (Ω R ) gives Ω 0 .

  24. 针对调频斜率的估计,提出了基于分数阶Fourier变换的运动补偿算法。

    In order to evaluate the frequency modulation slope , the thesis puts forward a motion compensation algorithm that is based on Fractional Fourier Transform .

  25. 介绍了红外水分仪的校准方法以及利用Excel的图表制作功能计算红外水分仪校准过程中的斜率与截距。

    The calibration of infrared moisture meter and the slope and intercept calculating during calibration using the charting function of Excel were introduced .

  26. 在分析BP算法学习过程的基础上,提出使用自适应斜率函数作为神经元的输出函数,以改善BP算法学习过慢的弱点。

    On the basis of analyzing the essential of BP algorithm 's learning process , the self adapting slope function is used as the output function in neuron .

  27. 在温度传感器模块的设计中,研究重心集中在高灵敏度温度检测电路和高分辨率单斜率ADC的设计上。

    In the temperature sensor module , our chief design attention lay in high sensitive temperature-detecting circuit and high-resolution single-slope ADC .

  28. 脉冲能量为0.1μJ、起伏小于0.5%,斜率效率为24%。

    Pulsed energy is about 0.1 μ J and the fluctuation is less than 0.5 % . The slope efficiency is 24 % .

  29. 主要讨论了三种语音编码方案,即线性脉冲编码调制(PCM,PulseCodeModulation)、A律PCM和连续可变斜率增量调制(CVSD,ContinuousVariableSlopeDeltaModulation)。

    Three kinds of speech encoding schemes , namely , Pulse Code Modulation , A law PCM and Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation , are discussed mainly .

  30. 用投放质控标准样的方法来选择若干校准曲线,对这些标准曲线的截距a、斜率b的进行总体参数进行区间估计。

    With standard samples of quality control in the test , the calibration curves are chosen . For the population parameter of intercepts A and slope B of calibration curves , we can estimate its interval .