
xié cháng shí
  • plagioclase;anorthose
斜长石[xié cháng shí]
  1. 用X射线粉末图定斜长石及高三元长石成分的方法

    Determination of the composition of plagioclase and high ternary feldspars by method of powder diffraction patterns

  2. 流动条件下斜长石与NaCl热液相互作用的实验研究

    Interaction between plagioclase and NaCl hydrothermal solutions ─ an experimental study

  3. 论斜长石超结构&关于e衍射参数及其矢量模的一些探讨

    On the superstructure of plagioclases & a discus-sion on parameters and vectors of e diffraction

  4. 微斜长石中Al和Si的有序-无序及其对寄主岩石冷却历史的指示

    The Order-Disorder of Al and Si in Microclines and Its Implication for the Cooling History of the Host Rocks

  5. 堆积的斜长石在位于侵蚀假整合之上的F单元的基底突然出现。

    Cumulate plagioclase appears abruptly at the base of the F unit , which rests on an erosional disconformity .

  6. 斜长石的绢云母化大量发生在低温低压条件区域,随热液进入,带入了过量水、K、Al和Si。

    Sericitization of plagioclase occurs on a large scale in the area at low temperature-pressure conditions , and additional water , K , Al , and Si are brought in as a result of hydrothermal fluids entering .

  7. 再根据晶体大小分布理论(CSD),计算出斜长石的晶体生长速率、成核密度及成核速率等岩浆结晶动力学参数;

    On the basis of the crystal size distribution ( CSD ) theory , the growth rates , nucleation density and nucleation rates of plagioclase have been worked out .

  8. 对Allende陨石的富钙铝包裹体中的斜长石,用电子探针和扫描电镜进行阴极发光的研究。

    Cathodoluminescence with scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe is applied to the study of some plagioclases in CAIs of the Allende chondrite .

  9. 本研究以天然微斜长石为原料,结合介孔分子筛MCM-41与13X沸石合成工艺,合成了孔壁中含有13X沸石基本结构单元D6R的铝硅酸盐介孔分子筛,命名为SAN-01。

    A new type of mesoporous aluminosilicate , named SAN-01 , was synthesized with microcline as raw materials by integrating the synthetic procedures of MCM-41 and 13X zeolite .

  10. 依照价键理论分析可知构成微斜长石和白云母骨架结构的Si-O和Al-O键的化学性质稳定。

    The results showed that chemical properties of the Si-O bond and Al-O bond of the skeletal structure of microcline and muscovite were stable relatively .

  11. 介绍了目前国外用费氏台测量斜长石组构的三种方法:(1)BPW图解法;

    The paper introduces three methods of measure plagioclase LPO by U stage : ( 1 ) BPW diagram ;

  12. 其中麻粒岩主要出露于佛坪县城南约500m河东岸,呈条带状和透镜状产出,其矿物组成以透辉石、斜长石、角闪石、黑云母及石榴子石为主。

    The granulite facie rock shows lenticulars , mainly outcrops at about 500 meters to the town , east of river . The major minerals of these rocks are diopside , plagioclase , hornblende , biotite and garnet .

  13. (斜长石+黑云母+石英)-NaCl(NaHCO3)-H2O矿物蚀变与金矿化反应研究:450~250℃和50MPa

    Experimental study on the alteration of ( plagioclase + biotite + quartz ) - NaCl ( NaHCO_3 ) - H_2O mineral system and gold mineralization reaction at 450 ~ 250 ℃ and 50 MPa

  14. 其他岩石类型中的钾长石的化学成分和结果状态变化很大,可以从透长石、正长石到微斜长石,其特征为K2O的含量相对较低,但Na2O、CaO和BaO的含量相对较高。

    K feldspars from other rock types are likely sanidine , orthoclase or microclines that show greater variations in chemical compositions and are characterized by lower content of K-2O but higher contents of Na-2O , CaO and BaO .

  15. 北苏鲁乳山辉长&闪长岩及其基性岩石包体的锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学研究内核和外壳中均发育石英、斜长石、黑云母、角闪石等矿物的包裹体;

    Zircon U-Pb Ages , Geochemistry of the Rushan Gabbro-diorites and Their Mafic Xenoliths from the Northern Sulu Orogen , Shandong Province , Eastern China ; Both the core and the mantle have inclusions of biotite , hornblende , quartz and plagioclase .

  16. 当实验温度为680C时,黑云母与斜长石发生脱水熔融和部分熔融,转换成白云母、绿帘石、铁尖晶石、石英等物质成分;

    At the temperature of 680 ℃, biotite and plagioclase became dehydrated-melted and partially melted , transformed into muscovite , epidote , hercynite , quartz , etc. ;

  17. 犬牙状微斜长石&钾交代型铀矿床中的标型矿物

    Hackly microcline & a typomorphic mineral in potash metasomatic uranium deposits

  18. 斜长石通常呈白色,具有完全解理和聚片双晶。

    Plagioclase is usually white-colored with perfect cleavage and albite twins .

  19. 周口店花岗闪长岩中斜长石晶体化学及谱学特征研究

    Study on Crystal Chemistry and Spectra of Feldspar from Zhoukoudian Granodiorite

  20. 冲绳海槽火山成因斜长石的分布及成分特征

    Distribution and compositional characteristic of volcanic plagioclase in the Okinawa Trough

  21. 微斜长石(010)解理面的原子力显微镜研究

    Atomic force microscopy of microcline { 010 } cleavage face

  22. 斜长石振荡环带成因的动力学模型

    The dynamic model for the genesis of plagioclase oscillatory zones

  23. 热水条件下斜长石和辉石断层泥的摩擦滑动研究

    Frictional sliding of pyroxene and plagioclase gouges under hydrothermal conditions

  24. 斜长石韵律环带的结晶速率方程及其动力学机制

    Crystalline Velocity Equation and Kinetics Mechanism of Plagioclase Oscillatory Zoning

  25. 天然变形微斜长石中几种面缺陷的透射电镜初步观察

    A primary TEM investigation on some plane defects in naturally deformed microcline

  26. 斜长岩是指斜长石含量>90%的岩浆岩,可分为6类。

    Anorthosite refers to igneous rocks consisting of over 90 % plagioclase .

  27. 矿物成分中含量较高的粘土和斜长石含量随井深增加而降低;

    The mineral composition contents of clay and plagioclase decline ;

  28. 斜长石折光率色散曲线特征的讨论

    The refractive dispersion curve of plagioclase & a discussion

  29. 一种稀有的斜长石,多出现于火成岩中。

    Rare plagioclastic feldspar occurring in many igneous rocks .

  30. 斜长石组构与下地壳各向异性

    Plagioclase fabrics and seismic anisotropy of the lower crust