首页 / 词典 / good

  • pour
  • 往杯盏里倒饮料:~茶。~酒。

  • 古代指精羹汁:厨人进~。


(往杯子或碗里倒) pour (wine or tea):

  • 斟满

    pour a cup full;

  • 自斟自饮

    pour oneself a cup of wine and drink it off


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 斟尚

    Zhen Shang

  1. 我给你斟点茶好吗?

    Shall I pour you some tea ?

  2. 在旧金山的Abbot'sCellar等餐馆,侍酒师会为客人斟上Baladin2009年产的XyauyuEtichettaOro(相当于葡萄酒中的波特(Port)酒)等著名年份佳酿。

    At restaurants like San Francisco 's Abbot 's Cellar , the cicerones , beer 's equivalent of sommeliers , pour celebrated vintage brews like Baladin 's Port-like 2009 Xyauyu Etichetta Oro .

  3. 他把我的杯子斟得满满的。

    He filled my glass to the top .

  4. 让我再给您斟满。

    Allow me to replenish your glass .

  5. 我给你再斟一杯吧。

    Let me refresh your glass .

  6. 他又给她斟满了一杯。

    He refilled her glass .

  7. 他斟完酒,然后就又退下了。

    He poured the wine and then withdrew again

  8. 我再次斟满了我们的酒杯。

    I refilled our wine glasses .

  9. 我为他满满当当斟了一杯酒。

    I 've fully brimmed a glass with wine for him .

  10. 他又给我斟了一杯酒。

    He filled [ poured ] another cup of wine for me .

  11. 请替我斟一满杯。

    Please fill me a bumper .

  12. 他总是把杯子斟得很满。

    He always fills his glass till it overflows .

  13. 他斟满了一杯啤酒给我喝

    He brimmed a glass of beer and offered it to me .

  14. 斟满美酒,递上面包,把心交还其身,

    Give wine . Give bread . Give back your heart to itself ,

  15. 两只斟满的酒杯

    two wine glasses , filled to the brim

  16. 她发出了一声说不出多么满意的叹息,仿佛她的幸福之杯已经斟满了。

    She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction , as if her cup of happiness were now full .

  17. filled:加满的candle:蜡烛lit:照亮了的,点着的Serena和Dan你们要把每个杯子都斟满,把每个你们能找到的蜡烛都给点上。

    Serena and Dan , I want every water glass filled , and every candle you can find lit . -

  18. 第五章采用SWOT综合环境分析方法,斟选出影响企业的关键环境因素和企业自身的优势与不足,建立分析模型,确定SWOT象限定位及战略发展方向。

    The chapter V uses SWOT synthetic circumstance analysis method to choose the key circumstance factors that are really affect enterprise and its advantage and shortage , then build an analysis model and define the SWOT quadrant orientation and strategy development direction .

  19. 卡斯尔走到餐柜前面,给自己斟了杯威士忌酒。

    Castle went to the sideboard and poured himself a whisky .

  20. 刚斟上开胃酒铃声就响了。

    You no sooner pour your aperitif than the bell goes .

  21. 我给你把杯子再斟满吧。

    Let me replenish your glass , eg with more wine .

  22. 你的杯子是空的,让我给你斟满。

    Your glass is empty ; let me top you up .

  23. 一个男服务生过来为他们斟上茶。

    A waiter comes up to fill the cups with tea .

  24. 希礼,你不准备给我们的思嘉小姐斟林果汁酒吗?

    You going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch ?

  25. 说着,她给他斟上一杯酒;

    As she spoke she poured him a cup of wine .

  26. 自斟自饮还在酒里加了马鞭草

    Pouring yourself a drink Then spiking the bottle with vervain .

  27. 伊姆里船长给自己斟了早晨第一杯提神剂。

    Captain Imrie poured himself his first restorative of the morning .

  28. 将军给自己斟满酒,然后坐下。

    The General filled his own cup , and sat down .

  29. 他干了一杯,又要求再斟满一杯。

    He emptied his glass and asked for a refill .

  30. 带上你的泳装和墨镜,我们就斟满玛姆香槟!

    Bring your swimsuit and glasses , we bring the Mumm Champagne !
