
zhēn chá
  • pour tea
  1. 一个房间是用来学习怎样斟茶倒酒的。

    There was a room where you learned how to pour tea and sake .

  2. 有这样一位服务生,将客人迎进饭店后,上茶、送毛巾、上菜单、上菜,给客人斟茶时,一句话也不说,只顾默默地做事。

    A such services are born , after greeting the visitor restaurant , on tea , send towel , serving odd , serving , when giving guest pour tea , a word also does not say , work silently merely .

  3. 谁管斟茶&我来好吗?

    Who 's going to pour the tea & shall I do the honors ?

  4. 对方在接受斟茶时,要有回敬反应,喝茶是长辈的,用中指在桌上轻弹两下,表示感谢;

    In the other tea , the response must be returned , the tea is the older , middle finger on the table with two easily , thanks ;

  5. 不久前在德克萨斯罗莱特,有天下午,下士警员帕特里克·瑞手持镶有粉色小花的迷你杯,假想着杯中有水,给两岁的小小女主人贝斯丽斟茶。

    On a recent afternoon in Rowlett , Texas , Police Corporal Patrick Ray poured imaginary tea into a minuscule cup adorned with pink flowers for his 2-year-old hostess , Bexley .

  6. 班纳特小姐在桌子上斟茶,伊丽莎白在洒咖啡,女客们却把这张桌子团团围住,大家挤在一起,摆一张椅子的空地方也没有。

    The ladies had crowded round the table , where Miss Bennet was making tea , and Elizabeth pouring out the coffee , in so close a confederacy that there was not a single vacancy near her which would admit of a chair .
