
fǔ tou
  • axe;hatchet
斧头 [fǔ tóu]
  • [axe] 一种砍削工具,用一相当厚的开刃的头装在柄上而成,刃口与柄平行,以便砍削,专用于伐木、劈木柴和砍木料

斧头[fǔ tou]
  1. 然后那个伐木工脱手甩出了斧头。哐!每个人都听见了。

    Then the woodcutter let his axe fly — Thwack ! Everyone heard it .

  2. 我睁开眼睛时,看见一个手持斧头的男人站在床尾。

    When I opened my eyes I saw a man with an axe standing at the end of my bed

  3. 他给斧头削了一个新把手。

    He whittled a new handle for his ax

  4. 他坚持说当时考克斯先生拿着斧头向他冲过来,他是在自卫。

    He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox , who came at him with an axe .

  5. 我们用斧头一敲就打开了柳条箱。

    We broke open the crate with a blow from the chopper .

  6. 那男子用斧头砍倒了一株矮树。

    The man hacked a shrub down with an axe .

  7. 杰克抡起斧头,猛地一下把门劈开。

    Jack swung the axe and with one blow split open the door .

  8. 你用斧头砍东西时,一定要握住斧把。

    Be sure to take hold of the handle of an ax when you chop things with it .

  9. 斧头太钝,砍不倒树。

    The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree .

  10. 过了几天,斧头找到了。

    After a few days , the hatchet was found .

  11. 丽兹玻顿拿起斧头,砍了爸爸四十下

    Lizzie Borden took an axe , Hit her father forty whacks .

  12. 别用斧头拍打朋友额头上的苍蝇。

    Do not remove a fly from your friend 's forehead with a hatchet .

  13. 古时候,有个乡下人,丢失了一把斧头。

    Once upon a time , there was a villager who lost a hatchet1 .

  14. 过了一段时间,这个人掏自家的井时找到了自家的斧头。

    After a period of time , he found his axe when was digging his well .

  15. 一个人的斧头丢失后,开始怀疑是邻居的儿子把它偷了去。有了这种感觉,他发现无论从哪个角度看,邻居的儿子都像那个偷了斧头的人。

    A man lost his axe , and began to suspect the son of his neighbor to have the appearance of a thief no matter from what angle he looked at him .

  16. 第二天,他又碰见邻居的儿子,再注意看他走路的样子、说话的声音、面部的表情,却都不像是一个偷斧头的人。

    The following day when he met the neighbour 's son again , he noticed that his gait , his voice , and his facial expressions were not like those of a hatchet-stealer at all .

  17. 第二天,当蛇出洞觅食之时,他举起斧头就砍那条蛇。可惜太操之过急,没砍中蛇头,只砍断了尾巴。

    The next day , on its coming out of its hole for food , he took up his ax , but , making too much haste to hit the snake , missed its head , and cut off only the end of its tail .

  18. 于是,他处处注意邻居儿子的一举一动,总觉得他走路的样子、说话的声音、面部的表情,都跟往常不一样,斧头很像是他偷的。

    Thereupon , he watched every move of the neighbour 's son . He felt that his gait , his voice , and his facial2 expressions were all not the same as usual . It really seemed that the hatchet had been stolen by him .

  19. n.创伤;切伤他今天无法工作,因为他在使用斧头时手被切伤了。

    gash He cannot work today ; he got a gash in his hand while axing .

  20. n.碎裂;碎片消防队员用斧头将紧锁的门劈开,以解救房里的小孩。

    splinter The fireman splintered the locked door with an ax to save the boy in the room .

  21. 我本打算用斧头把一幅DayGlo的抽象画砍了。

    I had planned to chop up a DayGlo abstract painting using an axe .

  22. 他们用斧头在树林里劈出一条路。

    They cut their way through the forest with their axes .

  23. 部分活儿必须用斧头完成。

    Some part of the work must be done by ax .

  24. 他用斧头把门劈开一个洞。

    He cut a hole through the door with an ax .

  25. 为什么要用汤匙,表哥?而不用斧头?

    Why a spoon , cousin ? Why not an axe ?

  26. 丽兹玻顿拿起斧头,砍爸爸十。

    Borden took an axe , Hit her father forty whacks .

  27. 用斩刀砍掉头颅而死。他一斧头就将树砍倒。

    He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe .

  28. 伐木者的斧头问树要斧柄。

    The woodcutters axe begged for its handle from the tree .

  29. 米奇正要把斧头放进工具棚里去。

    Mickey is going to put the axe in the shed .

  30. 参孙用使徒的斧头杀死了非利士人。

    Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the apostles .