
  • 网络Khmer;Khmer people;Mon-Khmers
高棉族 [gāo mián zú]
  • [Khmer,Kmer] 亚洲柬埔寨的土著民族,以他们的建筑成就闻名于世

  1. 另外是南部的马来族,汶族,高棉族以及各种本地的山民。

    Other ethnic groups include Malays in the south , Mon , Khmer and various indigenous hill tribes .

  2. 高棉族是主体民族,占总人口的80%,少数民族有占族、普农族、老族、泰族、斯丁族等。

    Khmer is minority , accounting for80 % of the total population , minority have accounted for the family , general agricultural family , old people , Thai , Stine tribe .

  3. 高棉族是柬埔寨的主体民族,约占其总人口的80%。

    The khmeris the main ethnic group that makes of80 % of the total population in cambodia .

  4. 因此,在高棉族社会,性别暴力素来不被视为「错事」,这种风气在内战(1967至1975年)期间益发盛行。

    As a consequence , violence against girls and women has generally not been seen as ' wrong'in Khmer society and this attitude was exacerbated by the years of civil war ( 1967-1975 ) .