
zhǎn shǒu
  • behead;decapitate
斩首 [zhǎn shǒu]
  • [beheading] 杀头

  • 斩首示众

斩首[zhǎn shǒu]
  1. 帮匪们曾经威胁说如果印度方面不释放他们的同伙,他们就要将这四名人质全部斩首

    The kidnappers had threatened to behead all four unless their jailed comrades were released .

  2. 亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。

    Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne boleyn .

  3. 人们发现他被斩首的尸体漂浮在一条水渠里。

    His decapitated body was found floating in a canal .

  4. 查理一世被克伦威尔派斩首。

    Charles I was beheaded by the Cromwellians .

  5. 西元44年犹太国王希律。亚基帕一世下令把他斩首。

    He was beheaded in AD 44 by order of Herod Agrippa .

  6. 楚王非常生气,下令将这个弓箭手斩首。

    The King of Chu was very angry . He ordered to have the archer beheaded .

  7. 他们发现Valentine是一个非常恰当的人选,他于公元270年被克劳迪亚斯王斩首。

    They found an appropriate choice in Valentine , who , in AD270 had been beheaded 3 by Emperor Claudius .

  8. “她非常会玩花样,”对Gaga赞赏有加的摇滚歌手艾利斯•库柏表示。库柏曾在舞台上表演“斩首”。

    ' She 's very vaudevillian , 'says an admiring Alice Cooper , the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations .

  9. Lac在斩首后0.5h内迅速达到高峰,但0.5h~24h在高水平保持相对稳定。

    Lac rose to high level at 0.5h , and remained steady relatively in the high level from 0.5h to 24h after decapitation .

  10. 例如,在《权力的游戏》第一季中肖恩•比恩(SeanBean)扮演的贵族奈德•斯塔克(NedStark)被斩首之后,互联网上一片哗然。

    There was , for example , an internet outcry after Sean Bean , who played noble Ned Stark in series one of Game of Thrones , was - spoiler alert - beheaded .

  11. Instagram上在“复活节败笔”主题标签下的几个贴子提到学校和餐馆展示的看上去像被斩首的复活节兔子头在无意中吓到了孩子。

    A couple of posts to the \# easterfail hashtag on Instagram showed schools and restaurants inadvertently scaring children by displaying what appeared to be decapitated Easter bunny heads .

  12. 《时代》援引了已故韩国译员、虔诚的传教士KimSun-il的例子,他在伊拉克被劫持,最后被武装分子斩首。

    Time said , citing the case of the late Kim Sun-il , a Korean interpreter and aspiring Christian missionary taken hostage and beheaded by militants in Iraq .

  13. 本周,一张照片被发表,喜剧演员凯西·格里芬(KathyGriffin)在其中举着血淋淋的类似特朗普总统被斩首的头颅的道具,而格里芬被美国有线电视新闻网炒了鱿鱼,并且被公开谴责。

    And this week , comedienne Kathy Griffin wore a pussy blouse and held a bloodied prop in the likeness of President Trump 's decapitated head in images from a photo shoot , for which Griffin was fired from her CNN job and publicly rebuked .

  14. 现在,他决定正式站出来,他的名字叫埃明·厄兹曼(Emin?zmen),是一位土耳其摄影师,他有关阿勒颇斩首事件的作品获得2012年世界新闻摄影奖。

    Now , he has decided to come forward for the first time . He is Emin ? zmen , a Turkish photographer awarded a World Press Photo prize in 2012 for his images of torture in Aleppo .

  15. 这些广告被通过谷歌的AdSense等媒介投放到这个含有斩首和绞刑图片的网站上。AdSense是全球最大的在线广告网络,从广告收入中抽取分成。

    The ads were delivered to the website , which includes images of beheadings and hanged men , by intermediaries including Google 's AdSense , the world 's biggest online ad network , which take a cut of the revenues .

  16. 因此你明天将被斩首。

    For this , your head will be cut off tomorrow .

  17. 用来包着被斩首的学生的头部。

    Found it wrapped around the head of a decapitated student .

  18. 然而,迈阿密其中一个被害者几乎被斩首了。

    However , one of the Miami victims was nearly decapitated .

  19. 他的父亲和他的兄弟被日本人斩首了。

    His father and brothers were beheaded by the Japanese .

  20. 看来你还是不明白斩首的意思。

    You must not understand fully the meaning of decapitation .

  21. 提出模式合一的斩首算法;

    The Behead algorithm for pattern unification is proposed .

  22. 斩首示众这件事,我认为是很有问题的。

    I think that beheading in the market is not a proper policy .

  23. 国王在自己的王宫外被斩首。

    The king was beheaded outside his own palace .

  24. 在国内战争时期,法国国王被斩首示众。

    The French King was beheaded during the Revolution .

  25. 它被一台18世纪的法国闸刀斩首了。

    It was decapitated in an18th century French guillotine .

  26. 官方录像显示被绞索斩首。

    Official video of the hanging shows Barzan being beheaded by the noose .

  27. 英王查理一世遭斩首。

    King Charles I had his head cut off .

  28. 用来处死罪犯(如被施以绞刑或被斩首)的平台。

    A platform from which criminals are executed ( hanged or beheaded ) .

  29. 这个组织还斩首了两名美国记者。

    The same group is blamed in the beheading of two American journalists .

  30. 安妮博林被斩首。

    Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off .