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  1. 我们承认罗琳女士没有捏造任何事实,对于之前错误的暗示我们深表歉意,我方同意向罗琳女士进行大量赔偿,而她决定将赔偿捐给慈善组织,并且补偿她的诉讼费。

    We accept that Ms Rowling 's article did not contain any false claims and apologise for any contrary suggestion and have agreed to pay substantial damages to Ms Rowling , which she is donating to charity , and a contribution to her legal costs .

  2. 我同黛比-罗的婚姻关系已经解除。

    My marriage to DEBORAH JEAN ROWE JACKSON has been dissolved .

  3. 北部小同修于罗东运动公园写生。

    Young initiates painting pictures in lo Tung sports park .

  4. 十年来,他同本?罗塞利建立了友谊和互相敬重的关系。

    Over a decade , he and Ben Rosselli had achieved both friendship and mutual respect .

  5. 上周在斯坦福桥完胜维甘之前,穆帅针对媒体上关于俱乐部内部纷争的报道做出回击,表明他对切尔西的热爱;而赛后他又暗示自己同管理层和罗曼阿布间的意见分歧。

    Prior to last weekend 's trouncing of Wigan at Stamford bridge , Jose Mourinho declared his love for Chelsea after numerous newspaper reports told of internal disputes at the club ; post game he hinted at differences of opinion with both the board and Roman abramovich .