
  1. 绵阳剑南副食品批发市场2·17火灾事故调查专业商品批发市场持续发展的对策分析&以临沂市商业批发市场为例

    Fire cause investigation of 2.17 fire accident in Jiannan food wholesale market of Mianyang city The Research on the Countermeasures for Sustainable Development of the Commercial Wholesale Market

  2. 本文从安史之乱以后,玄宗、肃宗父子间争权夺位这一角度论述了西川从原剑南节度分立之原因。

    This paper analyzes the cause of the schism of Xichuan from Jiannan after the An-shi Rebellion , when the Emperor Xuan and the Emperor Su were fighting for power .

  3. 唐代西南地区的盐产地分布在山南、剑南、江南3道约29州(含&羁縻州清州)68县,再加上南诏地区12处产地,总计产地达80处。

    In Tang Dynasty , salt areas of southwest are located in Shannan , Jiannan , Jiangnan 3 Dao about 29 states ( including a state-yu Jimi State ) 68 county , added to the 12 producing areas of Nanzhao region , producing a total of 80 .