
Lǐ Lónɡjī
  • Li Longji; Tang emperor whose reign started brilliantly and ended disastrously
  1. 果然是皇帝李隆基自己用的浴池,就是大。

    Indeed , Emperor Li Longji 's pool is much bigger .

  2. 我再带你去看看李隆基自己沐浴的场所。

    Let me take you to see Li Longjia 's personal bath .

  3. 这就是李隆基送给妃子杨玉环的温泉浴池。

    This is the hot spring bathing pool Li Longji gave his concubine Yang Yuhuan .

  4. 在唐玄宗李隆基执政时期,每年农历的八月初五是皇帝的生日。

    In the reign of Emperor Li Longji , the fifth day of the8th lunar mouth every year was the birthday of the emperor .

  5. 中宗李显庸懦无能,致使皇后韦氏与安乐公主弄权,李旦之子李隆基击败了韦后而即位,改国号开元,是为唐玄宗。

    Because Li Xian was mediocre and incompetent , his queen Empress Wei and his daughter Princess Anle forcibly occupied the power and played politics . Li Longji , Li Dan 's son bom down Empress Wei 's gang and ascended the throne , that 's Emperor Tang Xuanzong , the title of his reign was Kaiyuan .