
  • 网络Spitzer;Eliot Spitzer;Robert Spitzer
  1. 当艾略特•斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)担任纽约州总检察长时,他和他的高级助手们有时会用心理测试来分析案情。

    W hen Eliot Spitzer was New York attorney-general , he and top aides would sometimes use a mental exercise to puzzle out cases .

  2. 从去年开始,纽约州长埃利奥特?斯皮策正履行从事这项运动的诺言。

    Eliot Spitzer , the governor of New York , is making good on a campaign promise from last year .

  3. 斯皮策在华盛顿对众议院金融服务委员会(housefinancialservices)下属的资本市场委员会表示,债券保险公司时间紧迫,必须找到新资金,避免信用评级被下调。

    The clock was ticking for bond insurers to find capital to avoid credit downgrades , Mr Spitzer told the US House Financial Services Sub-Committee on capital markets in Washington .

  4. 钱德拉X射线图像显示为蓝色,哈勃太空望远镜的光学图像显示为红色和黄色,斯皮策太空望远镜的红外图像显示为紫色。

    The Chandra X-ray image is shown in blue , the Hubble Space Telescope optical image is in red and yellow , and the Spitzer Space Telescope 's infrared image is in purple .

  5. 此次公布的银河系新图像是基于美国NASA斯皮策空间望远镜以红外线对银河系的观察。

    The new survey of an extensive swath of the Milky Way was done with NASA 's Spitzer Space Telescope , which detects infrared light .

  6. 斯皮策随后让一度沉闷的总检察长办公室焕发出了改革的气息,与乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)任期内弥漫华盛顿的放任气氛截然相反。

    Mr Spitzer later transformed the once-sleepy attorney-general 's office into a progressive alternative to the laissez-faire attitudes that permeated Washington under George W. Bush 's presidency .

  7. 斯皮策宣布参选审计官一职,并与纽约市选民会面,NPR新闻的乔尔·罗斯将带来报道。

    Spitzer is meeting with voters in New York City as he launches a run -- comptroller , as NPR 's Joel Rose reports .

  8. 在被披露曾付费享受帝王俱乐部(Emperor'sClub)高级妓女的贵宾应召服务后,斯皮策周一仅进行了简短的道歉。该俱乐部是联邦政府刑事指控的对象。

    Mr Spitzer made only brief , apologetic remarks on Monday after the disclosure that he had paid for the services of high-class prostitutes from the Emperor 's Club VIP escort service , which is the subject of federal criminal charges .

  9. 格林伯格被英国人马丁o沙利文(MartinSullivan)取代,而他现在仍身陷前纽约州总检查长艾略特o斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)提起的民事欺诈诉讼之中。

    Mr Greenberg , who remains embroiled in a civil fraud lawsuit brought by Eliot Spitzer , the former New York attorney-general , was replaced by Martin Sullivan , a Briton .

  10. 然而,雀巢美国高级税务高管亚历克斯斯皮策(AlexSpitzer)表示,设计不佳的行政措施或法律可能让这家瑞士食品集团不敢在美国投资于工厂和工作岗位。

    However , Alex Spitzer , a senior tax executive at Nestl é in the US , said badly-designed executive action or legislation risked deterring investment by the Swiss food group in US factories and jobs .

  11. 斯皮策的手下发现了一些电子邮件,在这些邮件中,美林(MerrillLynch)分析师私下里贬损那些他们公开吹捧的股票,并发现共同基金管理者允许对冲基金从损害小投资者利益的肮脏交易中渔利。

    Mr Spitzer 's staff found e-mails in which Merrill Lynch analysts privately disparaged the stocks they were publicly touting and discovered that mutual fund sponsors were allowing hedge funds to profit from sleazy trades that cut returns for small investors .

  12. 在国外工作时想念家乡并不罕见,但当杰罗姆•斯皮策(JérômeSpitzer)开始想念他小时候在巴黎钟爱的那种经典小馆菜肴时,他顶住了诱惑,没有登上下一班飞往戴高乐机场的航班,而是行动了起来。

    It is not unusual to feel homesick while working abroad but when J é r ô me Spitzer began to pine for the classic bistro fare he loved as a boy in Paris , he resisted hopping on to the next flight to Charles de Gaulle airport and took action .

  13. 对于斯皮策而言,这些指控击中了他的痛处。

    For Mr Spitzer , these allegations cut to the quick .

  14. 斯皮策正试图让自己看起来像个弱者。

    Spitzer is trying to be treated himself as the underdog .

  15. 斯皮策否认曾参与此事,但关于他在其中所起的作用仍在调查之中。

    Mr Spitzer denied involvement but his role is still under investigation .

  16. 斯皮策说他想减少和家人一起的时间。

    Spitzer says he wants to spend less time with his family .

  17. 不过斯皮策还有更进一步缩减开支的计划。

    But Mr Spitzer still has his work cut out .

  18. 毕竟,斯皮策的检察官职位使他受益匪浅。

    After all , Spitzer had graduated from his role as prosecutor .

  19. 斯皮策的家庭生活似乎也相当美满。

    Mr Spitzer 's family life also appeared strong .

  20. 这可以解释斯皮策的情况,也许也适用于其他人。

    That went for Mr Spitzer and would probably go for others too .

  21. 距斯皮策引起轰动并被迫辞职已过去五年的时间。

    It 's been five years since Spitzer 's spectacular fall from power .

  22. 自那时起,斯皮策担任过政治评论员、教师以及电视主持人。

    Since then Spitzer has been a politcial commentator , teacher and TV host .

  23. 斯皮策的辞职结束了他声望很高的州长生涯,他曾经是打击企业腐败的先锋。

    Spitzer 's announcement ends a high profile career as a crusader against corporate corruption .

  24. 斯皮策州长却立誓纽约州的系统将成为全国的楷模。

    Yet Mr Spitzer vows that New York 's system will be a national model .

  25. 斯皮策的一位女发言人表示,目前没有发表任何公开声明的计划。

    A spokeswoman for Mr Spitzer said there were no immediate plans for any public statements .

  26. 斯皮策是民主党人,准备竞选纽约市审计官这个相对低调的职位。

    Spitzer , a Democrat , is running for the relatively low-profile job of city comptroller .

  27. 斯皮策则不同,他自诩为一个特殊利益的讨伐者。

    Mr Spitzer , by contrast , is relishing his role as a crusader against special interests .

  28. 宇航员用斯皮策太空望远镜拍摄的红外线图里根本没有它的身影。

    Researchers using the Spitzer Space Telescope could not see Fomalhaut b at all in infrared light .

  29. 斯皮策的朋友和同事们都认为,没有明显迹象表明,斯皮策花心。

    There were no obvious signs that Mr Spitzer had a wandering eye , friends and co-workers agreed .

  30. 作为一位白手起家的千万富翁的儿子,斯皮策从小就知道他身上背负着很大期望。

    The son of a self-made multimillionaire , Mr Spitzer grew up knowing much was expected of him .