
  • suspension firing
  1. 锅炉中煤粉的燃烧过程是非常复杂的悬浮燃烧,炉膛火焰监视必须克服监视图像的噪声。

    Combustion of powdered coal in furnace is a very complicate suspension firing process . Noise interference must be overcome to achieve clear image of flame monitoring system .

  2. 循环流化床(简称CFB)锅炉,是区别于固定床和悬浮燃烧方式的一种新的燃烧锅炉。

    Circulating fluidized bed boiler ( CFB ), different from fixed bed and floating combustion , is a boiler with new combustion mode .

  3. 某铀-煤矿的悬浮燃烧灰化

    Flash burning and ashing of a certain uranium-bearing lignite in suspension

  4. 水煤浆悬浮燃烧燃料氮的释放特性

    Release Characteristics of Fuel Nitrogen During Coal Water Slurry Suspension Combustion

  5. 加热炉用煤粉燃烧器及煤粉悬浮燃烧技术

    Pulverized coal burner and suspending combustion technique for reheating furnace

  6. 水煤浆流化-悬浮燃烧技术在胜利油田的应用

    Application of Water-coal-slurry Fluidization-suspension Combustion Technology at Shengli Oil Field

  7. 多级悬浮燃烧医疗垃圾焚烧炉

    Incinerator for Combustion Medical Garbage with Multistage Suspension

  8. 螺旋悬浮燃烧式退火炉的构思与特点

    The Conception and Characteristics of a New Type Annealing Furnace with Spiral Suspended Burning

  9. 目前,大型电站锅炉普遍使用粉煤悬浮燃烧系统,粉煤的燃尽度不仅反映了悬浮燃煤系统重要的运行特性,而且严重影响锅炉效率。

    Suspended pulverized coal combustion systems are widely implemented on large-scale utility boilers at present .

  10. 得出了蔗糠悬浮燃烧宜采用开缝钝体燃烧器的结论。

    The conclusion shows that slitting bluff body burner is suitable for sugarcane chaff 's suspended combustion .

  11. 分层半悬浮燃烧装置属燃烧设备领域。

    The utility model discloses a semi-floating layered burner , and belongs to a combustion equipment field .

  12. 风吹煤装置将煤中的煤粉吹到炉内悬浮燃烧。

    The wind blowing coal device blows coal powder in coal into the burner to be burned in a suspension mode .

  13. 主要介绍了生物质与煤共燃技术,特别是悬浮燃烧技术和流化床燃烧技术。

    This paper gives an overview of the technologies for co-combustion of biomass and coal , especially the suspension and the fluidized-bed combustion technologies .

  14. 对大型燃煤锅炉而言,炉内悬浮燃烧状态的火焰,是一种非常复杂的悬浮燃烧,它的工况是不稳定的。

    In the large coal-fired boilers , state of the furnace flame burning is a very complex suspension combustion , and its condition is unstable .

  15. 对大型火电厂燃煤锅炉而言,煤粉的燃烧过程是一种非常复杂的悬浮燃烧,工况极不稳定。

    For large-scale power plant coal-fired boilers , the process of pulverized coal combustion is complex suspension combustion , and its condition is very unstable .

  16. 在燃烧方式上,尽量考虑运用木材粉悬浮燃烧和链条炉上煤层燃的复合燃烧技术。

    As for the combustion method , a composite combustion technology combined suspension combustion of wood powder with layer combustion of coal on the chain furnace is suggested .

  17. 水煤浆流化-悬浮燃烧锅炉结合了水煤浆和循环流化床两种洁净煤技术,该技术是在循环流化床锅炉应用基础上发展起来的。

    Water-coal-slurry Fluidization-suspension combustion boiler combines water-coal-slurry and Circulating Fluidized Bed the two clean coal technology . The combustion technology is developed by the application of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler ( CFBB ) .

  18. 结合现场实践情况,分析了水煤浆流化-悬浮燃烧技术的应用前景,对水煤浆代油、代煤燃烧的推广应用及节能环保事业具有重要的意义。

    Taking into account the on-site practice , the authors have analyzed the specific features and application prospect of the technology under discussion , which is of great significance for popularization and application of water-coal-slurry instead of oil as a fuel for boilers .

  19. 研究开发了水煤浆流化-悬浮燃烧新技术,介绍了该技术的原理、特点及其在胜利油田的应用情况,该技术具有燃料适应性强、启动迅速、高效低污染等特点。

    A new water-coal-slurry fluidization-suspension combustion technology has been studied and developed with its theory , specific features and applications at Shengli Oil Field being described . The technology features a high adaptability to various fuels , quick start-up , high efficiency and low pollution etc.

  20. 以及各层二次风份额(R2i%)及悬浮空间燃烧区(FCZ)的温度分布与炉内N2O浓度分布的关系。

    We also studied the relationship between the N_2O concentration distribution and every layer 's secondary air ratio ( R_ 2i % ) and the temperature distribution in FCZ .

  21. 大型管中悬浮流燃烧加速的研究

    Study on Combustion Acceleration of Suspension Flow in a Large Tube

  22. 可燃悬浮粉尘燃烧诱导激波及其加速过程研究

    Study on the production and acceleration of shock wave induced by combustible suspension dust

  23. 燃烧管内悬浮铝粉燃烧爆炸过程的研究

    Investigations on Combustion and Explosion Process of Suspended Aluminum Particles in a Large Combustion Tube

  24. 提出了改善措施,如采用播煤风,采用二次风强化悬浮段燃烧。并给出了设计和运行的参数值。

    The use of coal distributing air , secondary air supported combustion in free board and some other methods are proposed as the improvement measures together with their design and operating data .

  25. 建立了悬浮粉尘燃烧过程的数学模型.应用此模型对小麦粉-空气混合物燃烧过程进行了数值模拟;

    In this paper , the two phase equations of combustion process of dust dispersed in air were established . The combustion process of wheat air mixtures was computed according to above model .

  26. 系统地建立了流化床悬浮空间的燃烧模型。

    A freeboard model for coal combustion in pressurized fluidized beds is proposed .

  27. 水煤浆流化悬浮高效洁净燃烧技术研究与应用

    Study and application of fluidization-suspension high efficiency cleaning combustion technology of coal-water slurry

  28. 在深入研究的基础上,作者提出了水煤浆流化悬浮高效洁净燃烧新技术,并进行了工程实践。

    Based on the system and deep research on coal-water slurry combustion , the new technology of ( fluidization ) - suspension high efficiency cleaning combustion of coal-water slurry was developed and applied to new type boiler design .

  29. 首次报道了造纸污泥在流化床内燃烧时燃烧份额的分布情况,水分为40%的造纸污泥在床层和悬浮段的燃烧份额分别为45%、55%。

    For the first time the combustion share distribution of the paper mill sludge in the fluidized bed incinerator was reported . The combustion share of the paper mill sludge with 40 % moisture in the dense bed and freeboard is 45 % and 55 % respectively .

  30. 当身体保持着悬浮时,能够燃烧体内的大量脂肪。

    It has the ability to burn a lot of calories since it keeps the body guessing .