
  1. 在阿巴马高尔夫度假酒店(AbamaGolfandResort,网址:abamahotelresort.com)享受前述两种景观吧。该酒店坐落在沙滩海岸线私人片区的一处悬崖之上。

    Enjoy both at the Abama Golf and Resort ( abamahotelresort . com ) , set on a cliff above a private slice of sandy shoreline .

  2. 长城终于竣工了,终端雄踞在一处高达200英尺的悬崖之上,俯瞰着下面白浪滔滔的河流。

    Work on the Wall stopped at a 200-foot cliff hanging over a foaming white river .

  3. 英国现在正站在一个更陡峭的悬崖之上,对此卡梅伦肯定再清楚不过了。

    Mr Cameron must be only too aware of how close to the edge of an even steeper precipice Britain now is .

  4. (在国家电视台上公布自己的街道地址之后,托尼建在加州马里布悬崖之上的住宅沦为了废墟。)

    ( Tony 's cliff-clinging house in Malibu is reduced to rubble after he gives out his street address on national television . )

  5. 崖葬是将死者葬在悬崖之上的一种丧葬形式,广泛分布在中国南方和东南亚地区。

    By doing research on both kinds of cliff burials , we consider that Hanging-coffin burials and cave burials were from two kinds of funeral traditions , should make a difference between .

  6. 这棵耸立在悬崖之上的大树径直俯瞰着菲利普国王池塘,那些熟谙树木知识的人一定会说,这棵树至少已有八百或者一千年的历史了。

    It stands on a bluff overlooking King Philip 's Pond , and those who are wise in tree lore say it must have stood there eight hundred or a thousand years .