
  1. 这才是我们所需的新价值观。

    This is the new value we need .

  2. 我们就一套新价值观达成了共识

    We agreed a new set of values  

  3. 自然价值是以自然界为载体,具有生态学意义的新价值观,它完全区别于传统的人类中心主义价值观。

    Natural value is a kind of new value that bases on nature and ecology , which completely distinguishes from traditional man-centralism value .

  4. 生态价值观作为超越人类中心主义、主张人与自然和谐相处的新价值观,反映了和谐文化的内在要求。

    As a new value , ecological value transcends human centerism , advocates harmonious coexistence between human and nature and reflects the inherent demand of harmonious culture .

  5. 当代新价值观的兴起,是创新经济发展的产物,也是人们对价值认识不断深化的逻辑必然。

    Contemporary rise of new values is the result of innovative economic development , and the logistic necessity that people keep on deepening understand the knowledge of value .

  6. 第一、倡导全社会参与对网络道德的探讨,及早建构网络环境下的新价值观和道德观。

    The author thought the following ways are effective : First , calling the whole society to join in the discussion about it and develop new sense of value and morality as soon as possible .

  7. 我国的NGO组织,运作欠规范,发展态势差强人意,管理水平也较低,因此,要倡导人们无私奉献,引导新的价值观的形成,并完善相关制度和法律法规。

    In China , NGO 's operation is not canonical , development is not satisfactory , and management level is low . So it is necessary to advocate dedication , introduce new value conception and consummate relevant system and law rule .

  8. 这些方面构成了新时期价值观的基本内容。

    These values constitute the basic content of the new era .

  9. 生态人的价值观作为一种新的价值观体现为自然生态价值观和社会生态价值观两个方面。

    The values of the ecological man are different from the ecological values .

  10. 提出了新的价值观和分配观;

    Putting forwad new ideas in value and distribution ;

  11. 马上,我们将要给你们展示一个新的价值观。

    In a few minutes we will show you where to find a greater value .

  12. 传统的价值观被碾成碎片,而新的价值观又尚未建立。

    Traditional values have totally broken into pieces while the new one has not yet come up .

  13. 采取新的价值观:在你身后留下传奇让那些跟随你的人遵循。

    Take new values : Leave behind a legend to be followed by those who follow you .

  14. 传统的价值观受到了巨大的冲击,而新的价值观还没有完全建立起来。

    The traditional values is larger impacted , and the new values has not been fully established .

  15. 全球化要求我们打破传统的固有思维,用大胆创新意识来寻求新的价值观。

    Globalization demands out of box innovative and cutting edge ideas that search out new value streams .

  16. 教育价值观的历史演进与我国新教育价值观的完整体系

    The Historic Changes of the View on Education Values and the Comprehensive System of New One in China

  17. 对于教育而言,后现代主义提出的新的价值观作为其人性观的基础本身就展示了一种新的方向。

    In the period of post-modern education , a multi-disciplinary and anti-scientific open educational view of human nature took shape .

  18. 南方女性只有抛弃旧的传统价值观,接受新的价值观,才能跳出毁灭的范式。

    The southern women can have a bright future only by giving up their old concept of value and accepting the new one .

  19. 具体表现是旧有价值观体系严重阻碍变革,新的价值观体系极不规范。

    The real situation is that the old viewpoint of value hinder the changes and the new viewpoint of value is not very normal .

  20. 而真实型领导在信息技术发展和新文化价值观出现等一系列世界新形势变化之下日益受到项目界的关注。

    With the development of information technology and the emergence of new cultural values , authentic leadership is attracting attention in the project filed .

  21. 个人主义,在此时陷入了重重危机之中,人们在努力寻找一种新的价值观以代替个人主义。

    At that time , such individualism fell into crises and people tried to look for a new kind of values to replace individualism .

  22. 这次的事件给了我很多的希望,也许(传统的)价值观并没有完全消失,或者新的价值观正在发芽。

    This episode gives me a lot of hope that either the values weren 't extinguished altogether , or that new values are seeping in .

  23. 他认为在艺术中,美的存在已经不是绝对要素的今天,应当运用美作为我们新的价值观,让其复活。

    He believes that nowadays the existence of aesthetics is not a absolute element , and we should apply the aesthetics and regard it as our new value .

  24. 新的价值观对于使自然资源的核算与整个国民经济核算体系紧密衔接、对于经济规律的再认识等都具有重要的意义。

    The new concept about natural resources can connect natural resources accounting with system of National Accounting , but is also important for us to recognize economic law deeply .

  25. 玄学兴起,儒学失去了其正统地位,深受儒学影响的古代士大夫阶层开始寻觅自己新的价值观,逐渐摆脱了儒家功利主义的束缚。

    Metaphysics rose and the Confucianism lost its orthodox position the Confucian-influenced ancient scholar-officials began looking for new values and gradually got rid of the shackles of Confucian utilitarianism .

  26. 新生代农民工与老一代农民工的不同之处在于其具有新的价值观,正是这些新的价值观决定了新生代农民工脱离农村成为市民的强烈愿望。

    The difference between the new-generation migrant workers and the old ones is that they have new values , and this urges them to leave village to become urbanites .

  27. 全球生态危机迫使人们重新审视了工业文明的价值观,确立了一种新的价值观&自然价值观。

    Eco-crisis of the whole earth forces people to review view of the value of industry civilization , build a new the view of value & view of natural value .

  28. 我们主要应从三个方面着手:批判旧观念,建立适合市场经济发展的新的价值观;

    Therefore , we should start by following the three steps : ( I ) criticizing the outdated concepts and building up the new values that conform to the development of market economy ;

  29. 不同的激励措施,代表着不同的评判标准,从而不同的激励措施,可以引导出不同的员工行为,进而转化为员工的价值观,形成企业新的价值观。

    Different motivation patterns , representing different standards of judgment , results in distinct behaviors of employs , and thus the adaptation of values or the formation of new values in an enterprise .

  30. 现代传媒已经构成了无缝隙、零距离的信息网络,对青少年形成新的价值观、学习社会规范、完成社会化起着潜移默化的引导作用。

    Modern mass media has formed into information network without any crack and distance , which has imperceptibly influenced youth to form new values , to learn social standard , and to realize socialization .