
  1. n.壮观;华饰新王的加冕典礼非常壮观。

    pageant The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant .

  2. 18直到有不晓得约瑟的新王兴起。

    Till another king arose , which knew not Joseph .

  3. 1775年新王与其王后在凡尔赛宫加冕

    In 1775 , Versailles celebrated the coronation of a new king and queen .

  4. 新王路易十六

    A new king , Louis XVI ,

  5. 有不认识约瑟的新王起来,治理埃及。

    Now there arose up a new king over Egypt , which knew not Joseph .

  6. 新编辑手记新王与战神的对决

    New King VS Mars counter strike

  7. 你回去协同新王罢!因为你是个离乡背井,流徙在外的侨民。

    Go back and stay with your king , for you are a foreigner , an exile from your home .

  8. 辛巴,总有一天,太阳会和我一样慢慢下沉,并在你成为新王的时候再次升起!

    One day , Simba , the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king .

  9. 新王斥责魔鬼的提议,并站在人的立场上单单敬拜事奉神,藉以击败魔鬼。

    The new King rebuked the devil 's presentation and defeated him by standing on the ground of man to worship and serve God only .

  10. 得胜的公鸡飞到农舍屋顶上,拍打着翅膀喔喔啼叫,让人们知道他是新王。

    The winner flew onto the top of the farmhouse , crowing and flapping his wings to let the worle know he was the new king .

  11. 我的父亲大人把你的尸体用深红色的斗篷包着把你放在你姐姐的旁边,铁王座的脚下,作为送给新王的礼物。

    My lord father wrapped your corpse in a crimson cloak and laid you down beside your sister at the foot of the Iron Throne , his gift to the new king .

  12. 由于股四头肌拉伤,马刺新王伦纳德这赛季至今尚未登场,骑士队的伊塞亚·托马斯正处于臀部伤病的恢复中,预计至少要在明年一月之后才能回归。

    San Antonio 's Kawhi Leonard hasn 't played yet this season because of a quadriceps injury . Cleveland 's Isaiah Thomas won 't be back until January , at least , while recovering from a hip injury .

  13. 是你妹妹的笔迹,但其实是王后的言辞.召你去君临向新王宣誓效忠.乔佛里囚禁了我父亲,还想要我对他效忠?

    It is your sister 's hand , but the Queen 's words . You are summoned to King 's Landing to swear fealty to the new King . Joffrey puts my father in chains , now he wants his ass kissed ?

  14. 王对迦特人以太说,你是外邦逃来的人,为什么与我们同去呢?你可以回去与新王同住,或者回你本地去吧。

    Then the king said to Ittai the gittite , why are you coming with us ? Go back and keep with the king : for you are a man of another country , you are far from the land of your birth .