
  • 网络The New Republic
  1. 今年夏天,《新共和》(TheNewRepublic)发表了创刊以来的最热门文章。

    This summer , The New Republic published the most read article in that magazine 's history .

  2. 这对于克林顿先生来说可能是个安慰。周三庆典上的祝酒词中,光是朗读90年代《新共和》就他与希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(HillaryRodhamClinton)的报道中的辱骂之词,他就可以马拉松般说上半天。

    That might come as a relief to Mr. Clinton , who could deliver a marathon self-roast at Wednesday 's gala simply by reading choice vituperative " 90s-era coverage of him and Hillary Rodham Clinton in The New Republic .

  3. 媒介顾问的电视广告重塑候选人的形象以迎合大众的暂时口味(b新共和国)

    Media consultants whose TV ads reshape candidates ' images to suit ephemeral public tastes ( bNew Republic )

  4. 《新共和》称,麦科马克将任命《华盛顿观察家》(TheWashingtonSpectator)的出版人汉密尔顿·菲什(HamiltonFish)担任出版人和编辑部主任。菲什也是《国家》(TheNation)的前出版人。

    Mr. McCormack will appoint Hamilton Fish , the publisher of The Washington Spectator and a former publisher of The Nation , to be publisher and editorial director , The New Republic said .

  5. 周年庆典到来之际,休斯聘请了雅虎新闻的前任执行官,40岁的盖伊·维德拉(GuyVidra),他的名字被印在刊头,成了《新共和》的第一位首席执行官。

    As the anniversary arrives , Mr. Hughes has hired Guy Vidra , a 40-year-old former Yahoo News executive , for the top of masthead as The New Republic 's first chief executive .

  6. 刊登在《新共和杂志》上,真的非常自命不凡。

    that came out in The New Republic , so pretentious ,

  7. 但是这也造成一些其他的问题,《新共和》杂志的文章如是说。

    But there are some problems , says The New Republic article .

  8. 并不是说《新共和》变得温和了。

    Not that The New Republic has gone nice .

  9. 他出任新共和国的总统总的说来颇得民心。

    His elevation to the presidency of the New Republic was generally popular .

  10. 防御上单方的利益(新共和国)

    A unilateral advantage in defense ( New Republic )

  11. 正如华盛顿的变化,《新共和》杂志也在改变。

    Like Washington 's cast of characters , The New Republic has also changed .

  12. 接着,整个故事随着新共和国的发展而展开。

    Then the whole story is unfolded according to the development of the new republic .

  13. 新共和国领导人除批准此约外,别无它法。

    The leader of the New Republic had no choice but to ratify this treaty .

  14. 诸如《纽约客》《新共和国》等杂志都写了关于他的文章。

    Magazines such as The New Yorker and The New Republic wrote stories on him .

  15. 过了几年之后,新共和将政府中心设置在科罗森。

    Over the next few years , the New Republic set up government on Coruscant .

  16. 不管《新共和》如今变成了什么样,它仍在忙于利用自己传奇的过去。

    Whatever The New Republic is today , it has been busy flogging its storied past .

  17. 这个联盟担心他们会成为超级大国共管的牺牲品(新共和国)

    The allies would fear that they were pawns in a superpower condominium ( New Republic )

  18. 杰森被遇战疯人挟为人质,新共和国的大多数人都认为他死了。

    Jacen was held captive by the Yuuzhan Vong , and most in the New Republic believed him dead .

  19. 在莱娅不再担任公职之后,依然是新共和国政界的重要角色。

    Though Leia stepped away from public office , she still remained a valuable member of the New Republic hierarchy .

  20. 品味《新共和》的老式技巧或许像是在攻击杂志的数码化未来。

    To connoisseurs of old-school intrigue in The New Republic , that may sound like a shot at the magazine 's digital future .

  21. 海皮斯王子伊索尔德向莱娅求婚,如果她愿意向他伸出手,他将向新共和国献上海皮斯星团的巨额财富作为彩礼。

    The Hapan Prince Isolder proposed marriage to Leia , offering the vast wealth of the Hapes Cluster to the Republic in exchange for her hand .

  22. 这个句子在当时是意义非凡的,它对新共和国的创新之处进来了恰如其分的完美总结。

    The sentence was remarkable at the time-a perfect summary , in a few pithy words , of exactly what was new about the new republic .

  23. 我趁战后文化繁荣之机,给《新共和报》和《纽约时报》写过许多书评。

    Making good use of my opportunities in the postwar cultural boom I had reviewed bushels of books for " The New Republic " and the " Times " .

  24. 《新共和》杂志的一篇文章说,《洋葱》是全美最好的专栏版,因为它能够巧妙地用寥寥数笔揭示问题所在。

    An article in New Republic magazine says The Onion is the US ' best op-ed page , because it has an ability to elegantly locate and dismantle a problem with an economy of words .

  25. 首席快乐官是做什么的?根据美国《新共和》杂志的报道,首席快乐官的日常职责包括诊断同事的情绪健康状况和办公室氛围。

    What does the CHO do ? According to a story in US magazine The New Republic , a CHO 's daily duties include diagnosing the emotional well-being of their coworkers and the office atmosphere .

  26. 二战前,以巴西旧共和国时期为起点,论述巴西贫富分化问题的由来,继而探讨新共和国时期的典型表现。

    Before the World War ⅱ, taking the Old Republic period of Brazil as a start point , it disserts the causes of the polarization of wealth in Brazil and its typical performance in the New Republic period .

  27. 但是麦科马克在一项声明中表示,他打算忠于《新共和》的传统,令“这本杂志在如何修订自由主义的基本原则、迎接我们这个时代同样苛刻的挑战这一新的争论中,始终作为一个重要的声音存在”。

    But Mr. McCormack said in a statement that he intended to stay true to The New Republic 's traditions and preserve " the journal as an important voice in a new debate over how the basic principles of liberalism can be reworked to meet the equally demanding challenges of our era . "

  28. 他帮助建立起的新土耳其共和国是从一个伟大帝国的废墟上发展起来的。

    The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire

  29. 他成了新古巴共和国的第一任总统。

    He became the first president of the new Cuban republic .

  30. 论法国1576年至1629年的新教共和国

    On the " Protestant Republic " in France during 1560-1628