
  • 网络Protestant church;Protestantism
  1. 我在任何一个新教教会都不是特别自在。

    I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church .

  2. 她所在的反对派势力微薄,成员基本来自于新教教会的几个教区,被史塔西严重渗透,其领袖有系统地被流放到西方,更加削弱了他们的实力。

    The opposition she joined was tiny , mostly confined to a few parishes in the Protestant church , heavily infiltrated by the Stasi and weakened by the systematic exile of its leaders to the West .

  3. 如今大多数新教教会都有女牧师。

    Most Protestant churches now have women ministers .

  4. 天主教会和几个新教教会联合举行了礼拜式。

    The Catholic and several Protestant churches held an interdenominational chruch service .

  5. 现代化发展进程中的普鲁士新教教会

    Prussian Protestantism in the Process of the Development of Modernization

  6. 这是另一个维持统一的方法,是新教教会经常使用的。

    That 's another way to maintain unity that Protestant churches tend to use .

  7. (尤指新教教会的)祷告会。

    Prayer-meeting ( esp in Protestant churches )

  8. 接着阐述了福建新教教会医院所从事之医学教育及公共卫生事业。

    And then medical educations and public health enterprises that the hospitals were engaged in were described .

  9. 基督新教教会的自养问题是近代基督教在华传播史上的一个重要问题。

    The self_support of Protestant churches is an important problem in the cause of mission in modern China .

  10. 然后再一次他们意识到他们这么做的越多,新教教会就越容易分裂成各个小派。

    Then again they realized the more they did this that Protestant churches started splitting all over the place .

  11. 摘要普鲁士新教教会在现代化进程中一直摆脱不了国家的控制。

    Prussian Protestantism could not get rid of the control of the nation in the process of the development of modernization .

  12. 最后分析了新教教会医院对福建社会方方面面之影响,并给予福建新教教会医院以客观公正的评价。

    At last the author analyzes the influence on Fujian society caused by the Protestant hospitals , and offers an objective appraisal to the hospitals .

  13. 从那时起,美国新教教会发起了一项运动,寻求在美国几个州的学校里引进“智能设计理论”的教学。

    Since then , a movement driven by American Protestant churches has sought to introduce the teaching of " intelligent design " in schools in several US states .

  14. 本文以区域社会史的角度,研究近代教会(分天主教教会和基督教新教教会)在河南省兴办的教会医疗事业。

    From the perspective of regional society history this paper studies the medical missionary enterprises , which initiated in Henan province by modern church ( both Catholic and Protestant church ) .

  15. 英国新教教会改革之后,就不再允许祷告者为洗涤内心罪恶祈祷。所以所有圣徒之夜也就和亡者的魂灵没有太大关系了。

    After the protestant Reformation British churches no longer allowed prayers for souls in purgatory , so All Hallows Eve lost most of its associations with the spirits of the dead .

  16. 用于新教教会的,尤其是从路德教会分离出来的加尔文教徒的;也用于犹太教革新派。

    Used of some Protestant churches especially Calvinist as distinct from Lutheran ; also used of Reform Judaism . ( religion ) of or relating to or characteristic of Calvinism or its adherents .

  17. 宗教伦理、宗教组织及世俗化因素&刍议宗教伦理研究中的社会学分析路径宗教改革时期新教教会组织制度探究

    Religious Ethics , Religious Organization and Secularization Factors & On the Research Approaches of Religious Ethics in sociology The Study about Organization of Protestantism Church during the Reformation Based on Lutheranism , Calvinism , Anglicanism

  18. 笔者首先从纵向和横向两个方面剖析了百余年来福建新教教会医院发展之轨迹,并对入闽的新教六大差会所兴建的主要教会医院作了简明扼要的介绍。

    In the first place , the author explores the development track of the Protestant hospitals before liberation in Fujian from vertical and horizontal aspects . The author also gives a brief introduction about the major hospitals which were established by six Protestant Churches in Fujian .

  19. 王是在上海参加新教三自爱国教会全国委员会成立60周年纪念日上讲这番话的。

    Wang was speaking at an event in Shanghai to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China .

  20. 新教教派中各个教会享有自主权的教会政体和信仰体系。

    System of beliefs and church government of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing .

  21. 韩国有18%的人信仰新教。他们的教会财力雄厚,且具有政治影响力。他们把朝鲜列为教会的重要议程,资助活跃在朝鲜与中国边境的秘密福音传播网络。

    South Korean Protestants , 18 per cent of the population , have put North Korea high on the agenda of their rich and politically influential churches , funding clandestine evangelical networks on the Chinese border .