
  1. Φ2.16m望远镜新副镜的加工工艺

    The producing technology of the new secondary mirror for Φ 2.16m telescope

  2. 对于喜爱甜食的日本人来说,现在的日子有点不好过,该国正抱怨安倍经济学(Abenomics)的一个最新副作用:巧克力价格飙升。

    Times are hard for Japanese with a sweet tooth as the country bemoans the latest side effect of Abenomics : a surge in the price of chocolate .

  3. 洛杉矶——黄馨祥博士(PatrickSoon-Shiong)成为论坛出版公司(TribunePublishing)的新副主席和第二大投资者。他被认为是世界上最富有的医生和洛杉矶首富,超过所有的好莱坞巨头。

    LOS ANGELES - Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong , the new vice chairman andsecond-largest investor in Tribune Publishing , is believed to be the wealthiest physician in the world and the richest person in this city , surpassing all the Hollywood moguls .

  4. 介绍了Φ2.16m望远镜新副镜加工中的一些工艺难点及所采取的方法,定性分析了选择合适的工具形状,使镜面面形平滑过渡的可能性。

    This paper presents some technological barriers in producing the new secondary mirror for Φ 2.16m telescope and introduces the methods which have been adopted to resolve these technical problems . The possibility that optical surface is produced smoothly by selecting suitable shape of tool is discussed .

  5. 蒂姆·芒顿成为新的副队长。

    Tim Munton becomes the new vice-captain .

  6. 常驻香港的新秀丽副总裁PaulMelkebeke说,调查人员会大量订货,以期在针对假货商的法律案件中将其用作证据。

    The investigators place a sizeable order in hopes of using the goods as evidence in a legal case against the counterfeiters , according to Paul Melkebeke , a Hong Kong-based vice president for the luggage firm .

  7. 你是我们的新财务副总经理我?

    You are our new V.P. Of accounts . I. .. am ?

  8. 总统想提名他做新的副总统

    The President wants to tap him as the new V.P.

  9. 任命新的副总统的仪式。

    The ceremony which installed a new vice-president .

  10. 斯科特埃文斯是新的副驾。

    Scott evans , the new copilot .

  11. 最新螺纹副装配扭矩测试方法&瞬时滑动法介绍

    New Test Method for Assembly Torsion of Thread Pairs & Introduction of Instantaneous Sliding Method

  12. 针对大女孩和成年女性,该集团还推出了太阳镜和化妆品等新的副产品。

    There are new spin-off products aimed at older girls and women , such as sun screen and cosmetics .

  13. 不是,但我认为我们新的副局长是。你只不过是一个肮脏游戏里的一个棋子。

    No , but I think our new deputy director was . you 're being made a pawn in a rigged game .

  14. 小布什经常告诉他的朋友,他之所以让切尼主管过渡期事务是因为他希望华盛顿的法律制定人明白新的副总统会是政坛的重要人物。

    Bush has often told friends that he put Cheney in charge of his transition because he wanted lawmakers in Washington to understand that the new Vice President would be a major player .

  15. 新共和党副总统候选人保罗·瑞安也在爱荷华州竞选,他在州得梅因告诉支持者,他和总统候选人米特•罗姆尼将确定该国的预算。

    The new Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan also campaigned in Iowa where he told supporters at the state Des Moines that he and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney would fix the country 's budget .

  16. 根据Archard磨损理论,通过对机构进行运动及受力分析,建立新的运动副磨损模型,并证明平面机构运动可靠性数学模型同样适用于空间机构。

    According to the Archard wearing theory , a new motion pair wearing model is built through movement and force analysis .

  17. 公司新媒体执行副总裁托尼•诺维亚(TonyNovia)表示,这位摄像师拍摄的视频和照片将会发布在RyanSeacrest.com、Facebook、Twitter和Pinterest上。

    The videographer 's footage and photos will be posted to RyanSeacrest.com , Facebook , Twitter and Pinterest , according to Tony Novia , executive vice president for new media at Ryan Seacrest Productions .

  18. 英特尔新技术部副总裁桑德拉.洛佩兹(SandraLopez)则是两者皆备:她的专业是纺织品服装营销,毕业后则在高科技公司工作,来英特尔之前,曾谋职于Adobe与全球最大的网络多媒体软件公司Macromedia。

    Sandra Lopez , vice-president at Intel 's new technology group , has both skillsets : she studiedtextiles and clothes marketing , and then went on to work in tech , including atAdobe and Macromedia , before arriving at Intel .

  19. 香港高等教育发展新策略&副学士学位课程计划

    New Development Strategy of Hong Kong Higher Education & Associate Degree Programs

  20. 一种新的低副瓣曲线阵数值综合方法

    A New Numerical Synthesis Technique for Low Sidelobe Curved Arrays

  21. 斯金纳:(讽刺地)我们新来的副局长。

    SKINNER : ( sarcastically ) Our brand-new deputy director .

  22. 杰克∶我听说他们要选新的资深副总裁。

    Jack : I heard they 're going to choose a new senior Vice-president .

  23. 杰克∶公司缺一名新的资深副总裁,我是最佳人选。

    Jack : We need a new Senior VP . I 'm your man .

  24. 这位是新上任的副市长。

    It 's the new deputy mayor .

  25. 润滑剂对新材质蜗轮副传动效率影响的试验研究

    Inquiring into the effects of Lubricants on the Transmission Efficiency of Worm Gear Made from New Materials

  26. 新戊二醇副产甲酸钠回收利用工艺煮练脚水回收利用工艺实践

    The Recycling Technology of Sodium Formate By-product of Neopentyl Glycol The Recovery and Reutilization of Caustic Soda Used in Scouring

  27. 尽管对于当代科技进退两难的处境人们提出了几种选择方案,但在实践中,预测新技术的副作用是非常困难的。

    Although several alternatives to this contemporary technological dilemma have been suggested , it has been very difficut in practice to predict secondary effects of new technologies .

  28. 于是,在胆管癌治疗中,光动力治疗作为一种新的、副作用少、有效的且可反复使用的治疗方法应运而生。

    Thus , in the treatment of bile duct cancer , photodynamic therapy as a new , less side effects , and effective treatment can be used repeatedly came into being .

  29. 新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官莱斯利·马斯多普表示,非洲区域中心在促进南非的项目发展方面发挥了重要作用。

    Leslie Maasdorp , Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the BRICS-led New Development Bank , says the Africa Reginal Center plays an important role in facilitating projects to South Africa .

  30. 维-矿浓缩粉为小麦分层碾磨新工艺中的副产品,含有丰富的B族维生素、无机盐和膳食纤维。

    The vitamin-mineral enriched flour ( VMF ) was a byproduct obtained from a new processing technique of flour milling , and rich in vitamin B group , minerals and dietary fibers .