
xīn zhǐ
  • new address
新址 [xīn zhǐ]
  • [new address] 某单位新的驻地

新址[xīn zhǐ]
  1. 请把我的信送往新址。

    Please send my letter on to my new address .

  2. 她的新址是沃里克郡大厦12号。

    Her new address is12 Warwickshire mansions .

  3. 公司准备迁移新址。

    The company is moving to a new location .

  4. CCTV新址B标段钢结构连廊整体提升

    Integral Lifting of Steel Joint Gallery in Section B of New CCTV

  5. CCTV新址主楼钢结构防火涂料施工

    Construction of Steel Structure Fireproof Coating in Main Building of CCTV New Station

  6. 事实上,虽然从丽晶街北侧那个经营了15年的地方到梅菲尔的这个sakenohana新址只是很短一段路,却比他想像的要艰难许多,尽管他在过去获得了很大的成功。

    In fact , the short journey from north of Regent Street , where Yau has been based for the past 15 years , to the new site in Mayfair for sake no Hana has been far more difficult than he had envisaged despite these past successes .

  7. 中央电视台新址主楼灌注桩施工质量控制

    Construction Quality Control of Filling Pile of CCTV New Main Building

  8. 湖南教育报刊社新址景观环境设计

    Environmental designs of the new location of Hunan Educational Press Agency

  9. 1971年该公司迁至贝斯纳尔格林新址。

    In1971 the firm moved to new premises in Bethnal green .

  10. 广州电视台新址项目基坑支护及土石方工程的施工环保措施

    Construction of Environmental Prevention Measures In Gz New TV Station Project

  11. 把那桥一段一段地运到了新址。

    The bridge is moved piece by piece to a new site .

  12. 论三峡工程库区迁建城镇新址主要地质灾害

    Types of Main Geological Calamities on New Sites of Cities

  13. 过完后面写你明天群岛新址。

    Write your rear end off tomorrow to populate the new site .

  14. 小浪底水库塌岸对库区移民新址区影响预测评价

    Influence prediction and evaluation of Xiaolangdi reservoir slope sloughing on migration settlement

  15. 或抗战迁徙新址后自觉恢复昔日面貌;

    Or resistance movements after the new site has consciously restoration of the past ;

  16. 武汉美术馆新址本身就是一件精致的艺术品。

    The Wuhan Art Gallery new site itself is a delicate work of art .

  17. 210米北京混凝土泵送新记录&北京电视台新址综合业务大楼停机坪混凝土浇筑报道

    210 Meters-New Record of Concrete Pumping in Beijing

  18. 广州市电视台新址工程地下连续墙施工技术控制

    Construction Technology Control of in the New Project of Underground Continuous Wall Guangzhou Television Station

  19. 沈阳将新建一座电视塔,新址位于沈阳市浑南长白地区。

    Shenyang will build a new television tower in the Changbai area of Hunnan District .

  20. 地质灾害及其在山区城市工程地质环境质量评价中的贡献&以奉节县城迁建新址为例

    The geological hazard and its contribution to the environmental quality evaluation of Mountain Urban Engineering Geology

  21. 当然,现在,有了新址的新世界葡萄园用的还是旧世界的葡萄。

    Now of course , New World vineyards are using Old World grapes in new locations .

  22. 在建筑辅助道路时,那座老房子被整体地移到了新址。

    The old house was moved bodily to a new site when the bypass was built .

  23. 孟淑娟于博物馆搬至新址的两个月前上任。

    Mong started work two months before the museum was due to move into new premises .

  24. 三峡库区巫山县城新址岩质库岸再造预测

    Prediction to Rocky Bank Rebuilding in the New Site of Wushan County , Three Gorges Reservoir Region

  25. 四川省屏山县县城新址地质灾害分布、形成条件与防治

    The Geology Hazards ' Distribution , Formation Condition and Prevention Measures in Pingshan County , Sichuan Province

  26. 你搬家时最好请从前的邻居把你的信件转寄到新址。

    When you move house , you 'd better ask your former neighbour to forward your mail .

  27. 三峡工程库区迁建城镇新址地质环境质量综合评价与对比

    Comprehensive study on geological environment quality of relocation city sites in reservoir area of the Three Gorges Project

  28. 雷诺先生在14日晚从图尔来到法国政府的新址。

    Mr. Reynaud reached the new seat of government from Tours in the evening of the 14 th .

  29. 和其它很多企业不同的是,该公司得到了合理补偿:几百码外的一处新址。

    Unlike many others , it has got a reasonable result : a new place a few hundred yards away .

  30. 最后,他做到了物业经理,在一家迅速增设新址的公司,这是一个重要职位。

    He wound up as property manager , an important role in a business that was rapidly adding new sites .