
  • 网络Technology Demonstration
  1. 五是建立农业科技示范园。

    Fifth , to build agricultural technology demonstration park .

  2. 辽宁农业科技示范场建设现状及发展对策

    On the Construction and Measures for Developing Agricultural Technology Demonstration Fields in Liaoning Province

  3. 基于GIS的农业科技示范园区土壤和土地资源管理研究

    Soil and land resource management using GIS in the agricultural demonstration zone

  4. GIS技术支持下的农业科技示范园区土壤肥力的空间变异

    Spatial variability of soil fertility in agricultural demonstration zone by using GIS technology

  5. 运用GIS技术研究浙江省衢县白水畈农业科技示范园区土壤肥力状况及其空间分布变异。

    The soil fertility status and their spatial variability in Baishuifan agricultural demonstration zone were studied by application of geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  6. 农业科技示范园区建设的几个问题建设农业科技示范园区的对策探析

    Countermeasures on building the scientific and technological demonstration garden of agriculture

  7. 我国现代农业科技示范园的发展

    Development of china 's modern agricultural science and technology demonstration park

  8. 生态系统分析方法与农业科技示范园规划

    Ecosystem Analysis and Planning of Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park

  9. 中国农业科技示范园区可持续发展研究

    Research on the Sustainable Development of China 's Agricultural Science-technology Demonstration Park

  10. 科技示范区为持续农业发展提供样板

    Science and Technology Demonstration Zones Set a Model for Sustainable Development Agriculture

  11. 烟台市农业科技示范园区建设研究

    A Study of Construction on Agricultural Science and Technology Park in Yantai

  12. 文章以农业科技示范园区为例,探讨农业财政投入的产权问题。

    This thesis discusses the issue of property of financial agriculture investment .

  13. 现代农业科技示范园模式;

    Construction of modern agricultural science and technology model garden ;

  14. 江苏农业科技示范园区建设的实践与思考

    Construction of agricultural scien-tech demonstration garden in Jiangsu Province

  15. 天津市工厂化农业科技示范区建设规划设计

    Planing of Building Factory Demonstration District of Agricultural Science and Technology in Tianjin

  16. 用高新技术改造传统农业&宿州市农业科技示范园的调查

    The Improvement of Traditional Agricultural with High-techniques Agricultural equipment

  17. 衢县白水畈农业科技示范园区土壤肥力状况探讨

    The status of soil fertility for Baishui agricultural demonstration zone in Qu County

  18. 农业科技示范园建设的政府定位与产权设置

    Agri-science demonstration farm : the role of government and arrangement of property right

  19. 通过培育农民科技示范户(以下简称为示范户)进行示范辐射,是农业技术推广形式之一。

    The nurture of demonstration fanners is one form of agricultural technology extension .

  20. 加强科技示范,抓一批科技推广示范样板;大力推广无公害生产技术,全力搞好技术培训,普及先进适用技术。

    Strengthen the technical demonstration and promote demonstration samples .

  21. 五星现代农业科技示范园规划设计

    The Overall Plan of Wuxing Modern AGR-technology Park

  22. 四川水土保持科技示范园区建设的现状与建议

    Present Status and Suggestions on Establishing Soil and Water Conservation Sci-Tech Zones of Sichuan

  23. 校办产业的发展,农业科技示范园区建设的阶段;

    Construction of agricultural science and technology model garden and development of college industry ;

  24. 黔西北山区泰丰农业科技示范园的建设及发展前景

    Construction and Development Prospect of Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Zone in Bijie Prefecture

  25. 科技示范文化建筑群&大连经济开发区文化中心工程新技术应用

    Science and Technology Demonstration of Culture Buildings

  26. 建立省、地、县三级林业科技示范网络;

    Establishing a forestry scientific and technological demonstration network on province , district and county levels ;

  27. 西部农区林业生态建设激励机制研究生态农牧林业科技示范区创业计划书

    Study on Forestry 's Ecological Construction Incentive Mechanism of Agricultural District in the West of China

  28. 农民科技示范户的研究

    Study on the Technological Demonstration Farmers

  29. 建设农业科技示范园区率先实现农业现代化

    Build up the Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstrate Area be the First To Realize the Agricultural Modernization

  30. 浙江省海涂农业综合开发现代科技示范园区建设研究

    Construction of the Modern Technique Demonstration Region for Comprehensive Agricultural Development in the Seaside of Zhenjiang Province