
kē yuán
  • Clerk;section member;a member of an administrative section
科员 [kē yuán]
  • [section member] 一个科里的成员

科员[kē yuán]
  1. 到末了,她将将就就和教育部的一个小科员结了婚。

    and she married a little clerk in the Department of Education .

  2. 她的工作职务是预订部主任科员。

    Her job title is chief reservation clerk .

  3. 对行政科员实施德治管理的几点思考手术室总务护士及库房工作的管理体会

    Considerations on Implementation of Ruling by Virtue for Administrators Reflection on Management of Logistic Nurses at Operating Room and Warehouse

  4. 本文对15个个案进行了长时间的追踪访问,还对民政局低保科科长、房产管理局廉租房科科长、住房公积金人事科科员进行了深入的访谈。

    In this paper , 15 cases had been a long follow-up visited , and the Chief of Civil Affairs subsistence allowances , Housing Authority Chief of low-rent housing , personnel section staff of the Housing Provident Fund were interviewed in-depth .

  5. 在样本的选择上,本文以武汉市江汉区地方税务局公务员为调查样本,调查对象来自本单位的正处级、副处级、正科级以及科员等工作人员。

    In selecting the sample , the paper investigated a sample from Wuhan Jianghan District Local Taxation , and investigated public officers from the division level , deputy department level , family level and Clerks and other staff in the unit .