
  1. 最近实验写“科学诗”,尝试到逻辑学、数学和物理学里发掘诗意。

    Recently he has experimented in writing'scientific poem ' , trying to explore poetic idea in logic , mathematics and physics .

  2. 当代生态诗歌:科学与诗对话的新空间

    Contemporary Eco-poetry : A New Dialogic Space for Science and Poetry

  3. 本文运用科学统计方法对诗骚中的色彩做了穷尽性考查,发现它们所运用的色彩与现代存在许多不同。

    In this paper I have examined all color words in Book of Poetry and Poetry of the South by eloquent scientific statistics , and find the way they used color words then is not the same as we do now .