
  • 网络Science Fiction
  1. 学术兴趣:晚清文学、中国科幻文学、科幻文学与文化等等。

    Academic interests : late Qing literature , Chinese science fiction , world science fiction and culture .

  2. 科幻文学是一种特殊的文学体裁,它以描写科技发展对世界的影响为主要内容,表现未来世界的状貌以及科技对人类生活的改变等。

    Science fiction is a kind of special literature which depicts the effect to the world by science and it to the human beings'life .

  3. 北京师范大学明年将招收科幻文学研究生

    Beijing Normal University will take in graduate students in science fiction

  4. 我现在告诉你们一个科幻文学中的秘密。

    Here 's a secret from the scientific literature for you .

  5. 2004科幻文学创作综述

    Overview of Chinese Science Fiction in the Year 2004

  6. 研究兴趣:科学史、科学哲学、科学社会学、科幻文学。

    My research interests are history of science , philosophy of science , STS and SF .

  7. 而英国的主流文学作家对科幻文学的贡献更是独特,他们从英国的文学和哲学的传统出发,用科幻文学的形式对社会进行探讨。

    British mainstream writers have made a unique contribution by exploring society from British philosophical and literary tradition .

  8. 外星生命和文明题材是科幻文学领域里长盛不衰的创作题材之一。

    Extraterrestrial life and civilization subject matter is one of the prosperous forever creation subject matter in regions of literature of science fiction .

  9. 从哲学的意义上审视该作品有助于我们重新理解人物个性以及该作品在科幻文学领域产生的深远影响。

    Taking a philosophical view of the work , we may develop a fresh understanding of its characters and its significance in science fiction .

  10. 英美等西方发达国家的许多大学都开设科幻文学课程并招收研究生。

    Western developed countries as the UK and the US , many universities have science fiction courses and take in graduates in this major .

  11. 他们在科幻文学的发展中起着承上启下的作用,是科幻文学发展史上的两座里程碑。

    They are connecting links between the preceding and the following in Sci-fiction literature , and they are two milestones in the history of Sci-fiction .

  12. 而它对于星际殖民小说中的悲剧性乃至科幻文学独特的悲剧道路的探索上,都具有重要的意义;

    And it has important meanings on the exploration of the tragic in the novel about colonizing interplanetary and the road of science fiction with unique tragic .

  13. 英语科幻文学领域中最突出的作家赫·乔·威尔斯的作品在本文中被详细地加以研究,以找到这些作品中的现实意义。

    The works of Herbert George Wells , the most prominent figure in the English science fiction realm , are studied in detail to detect their realistic significance .

  14. 科幻文学源于人类的想象,因此表现出人类对未知事物的好奇和敬畏,这便使科幻出现类似宗教的信仰情结。

    Science fiction came from human beings'fantasy , it shows human 's curiosity and fear to the nature , so it has some emotion like saints to religions .

  15. 科幻文学是一种最具现代品格与时代精神的文学,在世界当代文学中有着重要地位与影响。

    Science fiction is a literature with most modern characteristic and the spirit of the contemporary era . It plays a very significant role in contemporary literature in the world .

  16. 论文的最后一章则是对上述分析做出总结,并在全文末尾对中国当代科幻文学的发展问题进行了思考,对其未来的发展提出了期望。

    The final chapter is the summary of this analysis , and the discussion of the development problem of Chinese contemporary science fiction literature , and put forward the expectation for its future development .

  17. 科幻文学在中国已历经百余年发展,但一直处境尴尬,这体现在三个方面:名称含混、价值错位、理论研究匮乏。

    Science Fiction ( Sci-Fi ) in China has witnessed a development for over a century , however , in an awkward situation which reflected in three aspects : Vagueness of Definition , Dislocation of Value , and Lack of Theoretical Research .

  18. 这些作品正在逐步建立中国女性科幻的文学传统。

    These works are constructing the tradition of Chinese feminist science fiction .

  19. 改段第一句说科幻小说是文学中的一个分支;

    It is not possible to define science fiction in a clear way .

  20. 因此,女性科幻在科幻文学的发展中,有着特殊的价值和意义。

    Feminist science fiction has a special value and significance in the development of science fiction .

  21. 第四章对科幻小说的文学价值进行审美批评与建构。

    The forth chapter criticizes and establishes the literature values of science fiction from an aesthetic angle .

  22. 我记得你拼命想说服我科幻小说以文学的形式来说是和任何其他的作品一样有价值的。

    I recall your efforts to convince me that science fiction is as worthy a form of literature as any other .

  23. 科幻小说是大众文学中一个重要的文类,它关注科学进步给人类带来的巨大影响。

    Science fiction is an important genre of popular literature .

  24. 他们作为两个不同派别的科幻作家给后世科幻文学以不同方面的激励与指引,对科幻电影等不同的科幻艺术也有极大的影响。

    As two different schools in SF , they gave different aspects of incentives and guidelines to the future generations . They also gave science art such as science films a big influence .

  25. 阿瑟·克拉克是美国科幻黄金时代的代表作家,也是科幻文学界与艾萨克·阿西莫夫和罗伯特·海因莱因齐名的科幻三巨头之一。

    Arthur Clarke is a representative writer of the " Golden Age of Sci-Fi " in America and one of the " Big Three " of science fiction together with Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein .

  26. 这部系列也为科幻小说这一类型赋予了新活力,和在世界其他地方一样,在中国,科幻小说的文学价值经常被边缘化。

    The series has also breathed new life into a genre that , here as elsewhere , the literary establishment often marginalizes .

  27. 她总结出二十世纪内的科幻翻译历史的四次浪潮,取出五个典型译作做了个案分析,并探讨了科幻译介对于中国科幻文学发展的影响。

    She sums up the four waves of translation , performs case studies of five classic works , and explores the influence of translated science fiction on the development of China 's domestic science fiction .