
zhān mèng
  • divine by interpreting dreams;oneiromancy
占梦 [zhān mèng]
  • [oneiromancy] 利用梦作预言;圆梦

占梦[zhān mèng]
  1. 唐代占梦小说导源于古代的占梦术和占梦小说故事。

    The Relationship between Dream Interpreting Novels in Tang Dynasty and Ji Zhong Shuoyu ;

  2. 在梦象与占梦行为的表层之下,《左传》梦例是一个多元文化的结晶体。

    Behavior like in a dream and dream interpretation beneath the surface ," Zuozhuan " dream case is a multicultural crystals .

  3. 《左传》中根据梦象、占梦经验和其它知识,利用直解、转释、反说等方法预言人事未来吉凶的梦占预言多所应验。

    Consulting Zuo Zhuan , the dream prophecies according to the images , experiences or the relevant knowledge were mostly verified in the later record .

  4. 第四部分结语及占梦文化反思。通过对中国古代占梦意义的总结,有助于我们加深对中国古代梦占学的认识。

    Through to the Chinese ancient divine dreams meaning summary , to help us deepen our understanding of the ancient Chinese dream of the understanding of the study .

  5. 方术是一种较为庞杂的思想体系,在中国历史上影响深远,其内容覆盖面十分广泛,包括卜筮,星占,相术,堪舆,占梦,择吉,符咒等等。

    Square technique is a relatively large and complex system of thought , far-reaching impact in Chinese history , and the content coverage is extensive , including divination , astrology , physiognomy , geomancy , dream interpretation , pick an auspicious day , spells , and so on .