
  1. 居民不希望在他们附近建新工厂。

    The residents didn 't want a new factory in their backyard .

  2. 该公司最近搬进了一家专门建造的新工厂。

    The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory .

  3. 许多新工厂坐落在通航河流的沿岸。

    Many new factories are located on navigable rivers .

  4. 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂。

    Future expansion of the business calls for two new factories .

  5. 公司将在威尔士开一家新工厂。

    The company are opening up a new factory in Wales .

  6. 这个新工厂里的所有设备都是现代化的。

    In the new factory all the equipment was up to date .

  7. 我们的耳朵逐渐适应了附近新工厂的噪声。

    Our ears are becoming attuned to the noise of the new factory nearby .

  8. 在中国西部城市重庆和成都,pc行业正在建造庞大的新工厂以及开发和物流中心。

    The PC industry is setting up vast new factories , development and logistics centres in the cities of Chongqing and Chengdu in Western China .

  9. 在高达3500万美元融资的支持下,总部位于加州的蓝橡树资源回收公司(BlueOakResources)准备在这座拥有大约8000人口的小城建设一家新工厂,但它要生产的并不是某种高科技新玩意。

    Backed by $ 35 million in financing , California-based startup BlueOak Resources is building a brand-new facility in this city of 8000 or so , but it 's not to manufacture a new high-tech gadget .

  10. Jack认为公司应在CostaRica建立新工厂来节约产品成本。

    Jack believes the company should build a new factory in Costa Rica to save money on production costs .

  11. 此外,美国公司futurefuels最近签署了一项协议,获准在美国一家新工厂应用中国的一项洁净煤技术。

    Moreover future fuels , a US company , has recently signed a deal that will allow it to apply a Chinese clean coal technology at a new plant in the US .

  12. 第二家公司是AboundSolarManufacturing,该公司将在两座新工厂生产先进的太阳能电池板,提供2000多建筑岗位和1500多个永久性工作岗位。

    The second company is Abound Solar Manufacturing , which will manufacture advanced solar panels at two new plants , creating more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs .

  13. 沃尔沃汽车公司(VolvoCarCorp.)周三在成都展示了其新工厂,这是让中国成为该品牌生存关键要素的部分计划。

    On Wednesday , Volvo Car Corp. showcased its new plant here as part of a plan to make China key to the brand 's survival .

  14. 在Gujarat,一个新工厂在建中。

    A new factory is being built in the state of Gujarat .

  15. 新工厂将继续在300mm晶圆上利用65nm制程生产Cell处理器等。

    The new company will continue producing semiconductors on a300 mm wafer line and use a65nm production process .

  16. 为贯彻落实该计划,提出了建设WPG新工厂的要求。

    To implement the plan , the construction of the WPG new factory is needed .

  17. 新工厂将制造NAND闪存芯片,其广泛用于多种设备如MP3播放器、窝式移动电话、码相机等。

    The new plant will manufacture NAND flash memory chips , which are widely used in a host of products including MP3 players , cellphones and digital cameras .

  18. 新工厂中的仪表装置包括Rosemount温度和压力变送器、MicroMotion质量流量计以及配有FIELDVUE数字阀门定位器的Fisher控制阀。

    Instrumentation in the new plant includes Rosemount temperature and pressure transmitters , Micro Motion mass flowmeters , and FIELDVUE digital valve controllers mounted on Fisher control valves .

  19. 作为联盟的一部分,A123将建立一个新工厂在密歇根州的电池生产。

    As part of the alliance , A123 will establish a new facility in Michigan for battery production .

  20. 所有有新工厂的A类供应商都应该进行FCCA审核。

    All A suppliers with new factories must be FCCA audited .

  21. 2005年RHI奥镁耐材在位于辽宁省的大连新工厂开始投产。

    In2005 RHI Refractories has started production at the new plant in Dalian ( Liaoning Province ) .

  22. 事实上,最近来自阿拉伯国家的投资支撑了AMD的发展,美国政府对该投资进行了调查,以决定是否该取消对AMD在纽约州新工厂的财政补贴。

    Recently the fact that AMD was propped up by Arab money was investigated in the US to see if that disqualified it for financial incentives for its new US fab in New York state .

  23. 在萨摩林的新工厂建立初期,奥斯伏特加曾经试着从斯洛伐克东部地区招聘toolmaker等专业人员。

    At his new factory in Samorin , Mr Osvolda has started recruiting toolmakers and other specialist workers from eastern Slovakia .

  24. 星巴克同时宣布将会投资1.8亿美元在美国乔治亚州的Augusta市建造新工厂,届时将能提供约150个职位。为了增加包装产能,星巴克还将扩大在美国南卡罗莱纳州的SandyRun市的烘焙工厂。

    Starbucks also announced plans to create roughly 150 jobs by investing nearly $ 180 million to build a new factory in Augusta , Ga. , and to expand an existing roasting plant in Sandy Run , S.C. , to add packaging capability .

  25. GoDaddy公司已经在大凤凰城地区雇佣了2600名员工,新工厂预计将增加300多个工作岗位。

    GoDaddy already employs 2 , 600 people in the Greater Phoenix area and the new facility is expected to add 300 more .

  26. 通用汽车在中国市场的主要竞争对手大众汽车(Volkswagen)计划明年在佛山、宁波、仪征的老厂旁边启动大型装配厂,2018年之前在青岛修建一家新工厂。

    G.M. " s main rival in the Chinese market , Volkswagen , plans to open large assembly plants next year alongside its existing factories in the cities of Foshan , Ningbo and Yizheng and build one in Qingdao by 2018 .

  27. 在这个东非国家,40岁的中国实业家CandyMa(见上图)刚刚在她由政府建起的新工厂里雇了200名实习工人,这个月,她邀请了沃尔玛(Walmart)、H&M和特易购(Tesco)的进货商前来参观工厂。

    Candy Ma , a 40 year-old Chinese industrialist , has hired 200 trainee workers at her government-built factory in the east African country , and this month she invited buyers from Walmart , H & M and Tesco to inspect the facility .

  28. 据消息人士透露,EADS将在美国南部阿拉巴马州的莫比尔市兴建一个新工厂。

    According to a person with knowledge of the matter , the European conglomerate is set to announce the construction of a new manufacturing facility for its Airbus aircraft in the heart of Dixie & mobile , Alabama .

  29. 5月10日,美国芯片巨头因特尔总裁兼CEOPaulOtellini宣布将花费上百亿美元建设新工厂。

    On May 10th Paul Otellini , the boss of Intel , a big American chipmaker , put the price of a new chip factory ( known as a fab ) at around $ 10 billion .

  30. 最近,大众汽车(volkswagen)在田纳西州查塔努加的新工厂招聘了2000名蓝领工人,起薪全部是每小时14.5美元(折合年收入约3万美元,远低于美国平均收入)。

    Most recently , Volkswagen has hired all 2000 blue collar workers at a new facility in Chattanooga , Tennessee at a starting pay of $ 14.50 an hour ( which , at about $ 30000 a year is well below us median income . )